Monday 19 May 2014

True Friends

 I popped into to see a friend, I last saw her last September and was told her husband had cancer, G works night shift so I wasn't sure of her shift pattern. there was a card on the front door saying I am in the garden, so I popped round the back and there she was knee deep in the pond clearing it out, she was thrilled to see me and told me that H had passed away in November, I was shocked, over a cup of tea she told me through tears that H had left some really big debts and she was left penniless to the extent there wasn't even a funeral not even a service, he had cancelled all the insurance policy's and spent the last couple of years taking out loans and credit cards and living the high life, I am sure H assumed the debts would die with him and didn't intentional leave his wife destitute, the only blessings is the house was paid for 4 years ago so at least she has the house. I so want to do something to help her but what I don't know, we both regret having not kept in touch much over the last year, there is one thing for sure I am not losing touch with my old friend again, in the past year she has lost her husband, she has been burgled twice and she was mugged of her wedding ring by a drug addict, but through all the tears she could still raise a smile.  


  1. Tough year, poor woman. Makes you realise how lucky we are.

  2. Oh how awful, it makes you count your blessings!

  3. Put your friend in touch with Christians Against Poverty. They will help anyone to get out of debt however it has happened and they will give real support.

    1. Thank you I will, I am going to see her tomorrow so I will pass that one. :-)

  4. Is she sure she is responsible for the debts? A wife is not legally responsible for the husbands debts, unless they are joint. She needs to send them a statement of his assets and debts at the date of his death. She is required to use any of his assets to repay debts after payment of funeral expenses but nothing else. They will write off the debts. They may have advised her otherwise but if she is not party to the credit agreement she is not required to pay. The house does not count as part of his assets if it was joint and passed automatically to her. I strongly suggest she gets herself some advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau. I really hope that will get rid of them for her.

    1. Thank you I will pass this information on, I dont know what the details of the debts, I know he had no assets, nothing at all.

    2. I really hope it helps her. Some of these companies will try anything to get people to repay, and it makes my blood boil. I will keep my fingers crossed for her xx


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