Wednesday 28 May 2014

Little Boxes Little Boxes

Thats all I have is a house full of boxes, I am officialy fed up of boxes, the dining room is stacked with them, the conservatory has them as well, the spare room and my work rooms, I am dreaming of boxes. 
I have had a really fed up day today, its still raining, I am still packing boxes, while talking to a friend on the phone I noticed how empty the room was sounding I could hear an echo, I had to move to another room to feel comfortable. 
Hubby was suppose to phone the solicitor today to get our dates and he forgot, how can you forget something that important, we have had mail arriving for the buyers, my goodness they are keen, perhpas they know something we dont know. 
Thhe buyers are coming on Saturday to measure up for curtains and carpet, they will be lucky to get anything measured up as there are boxes stacked every where. 
There is still so much to sort out and I feel like I am reaching the end of my teather, the removal company we had lined up cannot now fit us in for at least 6 weeks, the other one was a waste of space, how can people book removal companies so far in advance when solicitors take so long sorting things out. 
We will be homless when we sell here for about a month, still dont know were we will be living, so we need to sort out about mail re-directed to hubbys business there is no were else for it to go, but the post office wont allow any mail in my name to go there as my name is not connected to the business, so I might have to set up a mail collection thinghy. 
Its all becoming very stressfull and I am fed up. Alhough on a brighter note I did have a few new books arrive today  off Amazon, they were 1p books 

I was going to keep them until I am homless and living in a carvan but I think they will become bedtime reading, I am putting a final box together for me, it has some books, some needlework projects, knitting and crochet and a few DVD's I might just pop one of the books in there, this box is to keep me occupied while waiting to get into the house, I have picked up a few maps of the area and tourist guide books as well. 
Right I am finished moaning for today suppose I better get back to those boxes.


  1. The Farm of our own book is, if I remember rightly as it's years since I borrowed it, A Bit Weird!- Religious I think - not that I've got anything against religion!
    The Liz Shankland book was also read from the library years ago. I can't remember anything about it so it made little impression. Whoops sorry sounds as if I'm putting you off reading them. Enjoy!

  2. Oh you poor thing. i know exactly how you feel. we've moved 3 times since 2000. Our next move will defo be our last, I can't wait. We can put down proper roots and start planning our self sufficient life. Just remember this nasty bit will pass and you'll come out the other side.

    jean x

  3. Oh no it sounds like you are having a bad time of it & moving is stressful enough as it is. On a slightly happier note I love the 1p books you can find through amazon


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