With all the talk on Eat Well for Less I came across this article
Not a bad menu for the week although for me it would become boring very quickly, on the other hand if there was something I desperately needed to save for I would make the sacrifice, or if I was hard up and money was a big issue I would consider it but only after selling off everything I could.
Whenever we see these programs on TV about people struggling on benefits or living below the bread line, they always seem t have lovely homes, laptops the latest mobiles, big screen TVs they are not what I call destitute why not sell it all and feed your family is what I am always shouting at the TV.
Anyhow that's my bit of a rant and this blog isn't the place for it.
Yesterday Pam from New Life in Wales popped over and brought me a lovely treadle sewing machine that is going to be set up in the cabin, we had a cuppa and bit of cake a good natter then I took her down the cabin where she chose some fabrics to add to her stash, Pam is a lovely lady and a font of knowledge we hope to be having some crafty sessions together and are happy for other crafters to join us.
Martin is having an enforced rest day today as he is having back problems, he did manage a few little jobs this morning then we nipped into town to collect a few things, we stopped in by the fruit and veg place so I could show him were it was and I needed some onions
I got a box of mushrooms for a £1 and settled of a bag of onions for 50p I could have got a sack of onions for £1.50 but they were smaller and I don't think we could have used them before they started sprouting.
Talking of mushrooms my oyster mushrooms are starting to grow well
They are starting to sprout from other holes in the bag now as well.
I did get some shallots in a salt brine this morning, they have been sitting there for a couple of months, I forgot all about them, then watching the Big Allotment Challenge last night and they were doing pickles jogged my memory.
Has anyone else been watching the Allotment Challenge, I was disappointed that Leanne left last night I really liked her.
Right I must get on sausage and mash to do for dinner with some garlicky mushrooms.