Thursday 29 May 2014

My £1 Plant Bargain's

Yes all for £1, 2.5p a plant.
20 Geraniums and 20 Gazania's 
When I was shopping on Sutton Seeds the other evening I popped these in my basket a Lucky Dip Plug Plant collection for only £1 
this is it here Lucky Dip Plants
I am more than happy with them, they all look healthy sturdy plants and I shall plant them into containers that have other plants they will add a nice splash of colour and the bonus is the Geraniums can be overwintered easily and the Gazanias I will take some cuttings from early Autumn that can be overwintered too for next year. So with a bit of care my £1 plants will give me years of pleasures. 
Now I cant wait for the Geraniums to flower to see what colour they are.


  1. What a great bargain & yes they do look very healthy.

  2. As today is my last full day in the shop, and tomorrows forcast is suppose to be good I am going to be planting them up, it will be good to get my hands dirty make a change from packing boxes

  3. Thx for the tip, you did really well there. Have a lovely weekend.

    Jean x

  4. Great bargain! And it will be fun to see what colours you have :)

  5. Will you be able to take everything with you when you move?

  6. A great bargain indeed! And the pleasure and usefulness plants give is priceless.

  7. I just cant resist plants, I love them all and bargain plants are even harder to resist, my hubby just looks on and knows now after 30 years they will just increase and they will be coming with me. :-)


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