Thursday 22 May 2014

My First Home Grown Orange

This is my first homegrown orange
It may not be the most handsome orange, but I grew it and it tasted great.
I have had my orange tree for 2 years and last year I watched it flower and watch the baby fruits form now I have picked and eaten my first orange straight from the tree.
There is another 3 fruits on the tree, not yet fully ripe.
The tree along with my other citrus trees are outside from late spring until autumn then they get overwintered in the greenhouse.

We have just had a major survey done on this house, the buyers had a standard one done and got there mortgage offer through, they have now decided they want a big survey done, the house isn't old, has all the certificates from being signed off after the renovations so I just couldn't understand why they wanted to spend out £1,000 on a second survey, he wasn't even here as long as the first basic survey took, and he didn't even look in the attic, it makes you wonder what the difference is between them. None as far I could see.
The basic survey took just over an hour this one a major survey took under 45 mins. I wouldn't be impressed if I was paying out that kind of money. 
We hopefully will have a move date in the next week our solicitor is waiting on the contracts coming back.

It has been rain all afternoon and thunder and lightning, I did manage to get some plants up this morning and was in the process of putting straw down around the strawberries when the rain started. It dosent look like its going to clear up any time soon so I am off to play with my sewing machine.


  1. Oh lucky you, your very own home grown orange, do they need lots of care? Have fun with your sewing machine.

    1. Very easy to look after, use rain water not tap water allow to dry out a bit between watering, there is two diffrent feeds a winter feed and a summer feed, swap between the two when the clocks change, I feed mine on Monday I keep to the same day each week with all feeds for plants then I dont forget. :-)

  2. I had a lemon tree once - it died!

    1. How did it die they are very difficult to kill :-(

  3. I once had a little citrus tree I brought from wilko . Nutured it for years until it had some fruit. And it tasted bloody horrible! I think it was just a bad variety.
    I'd love to grow some here but we are in a cold spot. Is your greenhouse heated? Lemons for cooking with would be what I'd like (and limes).

    1. Dont have the greenhouse heated but I do insulate it with bubblewrap, The lemon tree has about 8 fruits on it and one is just about ripe, and the lime tree has about a dozen, we have used a couple of limes already, the satsuma was great and we had 36 fruits they were ready back in November.

    2. They are going on my wish list then if you think it's doable. I think the trees look lovrly as well. Maybe when I get my next greenhouse though!


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