Saturday 24 May 2014

Home Farmer & Country Smallholding

I have been collecting Home Farmer magazine since issue 1 was launched many years ago, I love the variety of articles and what is achievable in your own back garden or window box, it covers everything from growing your own, chickens, livestock, cooking and crafts, I know you can view the magazine online but I do like a real magazine to curl up with on the sofa with a cup of tea, I don't part with my magazines either, I find them a great resource and often go back to older editions.

In the latest edition, there is a good interesting article on James Wong, with a couple of his recipes, Making traditional Ginger Beer and seasonal Foraging.
It was from an early edition of Home Farmer magazine that we got the instructions for building our brick oven. 
My second magazine today is Country Smallholding, its not one that I buy all the time just occasionally when something catches my eye, I find the magazine at times heavy reading and it goes into too much technical detail and is not as friendly or doesn't seem to be, Although saying that perhaps they are trying to change there image, as the copy I picked up today seems a bit more on the light hearted side.
The articles that caught my eye today was using curing salts, and Perfect Fencing for the smallholder. 
I will settle down this evening and have a good read of both.

Is there any magazines you pick up on a regular basis and if so why.


  1. I had an article published in homefarmer many years ago about keeping ex battery hens! My mum got me subscription to country small holding last year and I dod used to enjoy it but I'm the opposite to you and I wish they'd go into more detail!

    1. well done you a man of many talents,

  2. I had a letter in Home Farmer, enjoyed it when it first came out, then it just started repeating itself,
    My favourite ever was from a long time ago called Practical Self Sufficiency, which was changed and taken over and changed until it became Country Smallholding!

  3. I am not sure Home Farmer is the same magazine, but we had a subscription for Practical Self Sufficiency for many years ( it was a lovely homely magazine, I remember someone offering 4 comfrey plants!) Eventually it changed to Home Farm and although we continued for more years it wasn't really for us as by then as it catered for people who had land and needed equipment.

    I was only thinking about the magazine today and as they are stored in the eaves of the loft - as we didn't have the heart to part with them - I think I might get my husband to get them out tomorrow so I can have a trip down memory lane.

    P.S. Funny though it sounds, in those days Comfrey was hard to find and when we tracked it down we ended up planting it all down our back alleyway and it's descendants are still there today!

    1. Home Farmer is an independent magazine and started up 4 years ago, it wasnt a name change from a take over, Home Farmer is more suited to doing what you can in your own space, I think you would find it more suitable as its geared towards doing it at home and not having tons of land.


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