Thursday 8 May 2014

Stepping It Up A Gear

Yesterday I sat down and compiled a couple of new lists of things to do, Indoors and Outdoors lists, as it was a wet day I was working on my indoor list, first off arranging some removals quotes, got a couple of companies coming out next week, some when I spoke them wouldn't even consider us for quote because we have not yet got a completion date, and one I gave up with on the phone when they young lady asked me were Wales was, yes seriously she did.  I don't know if she was work experience from school she did sound very young. I have arrange for the Oven Cleaner man to come out next Tuesday, I have always wanted my oven professionally cleaned, £50 he charges so I am happy for him to do the job, I shall have to take some before and after pics of that.
I collected chicken feed, the poor things were down to the scrapings yesterday as I forgot to go at the week end to collect feed, I am a bad chicken keeper.
As grandson moved out on Monday ( he has been with us for 7 years) and I said he could take all his bedding with him, he didn't need the bed as the place he has gone to is furnished, so I had to go out and buy all new bedding, hubby has a friend staying over tonight, they are off out celebrating, so the guest room now has been cleaned out and bed all made up. 
Our Estate agent phoned yesterday, the buyers have had there survey done, no problems there, the buyers had mentioned when they put there offer in that they would like a quick turn around, we hadn't been given any indication of how quick, our agent informed us they are looking at 4 weeks, as they have already sold and are in a rental they are not in a chain, so I agreed 4 weeks wouldn't be a problem this end.
I then phoned hubby to let him know, 4 weeks that is not long and we know that the Wales end will not be ready in 4 weeks. 
So I have made some enquires about a rental for a couple of months in wales, drawn a blank everyone wants 6 months, I don't need 6 months, so now we are looking at buying a caravan to stay in  and having everything put into a shipping container that we can store at the yard,
Chickens can go to a friend, Bees can go to Wales we have already made arrangements for them.
So its almost time to start panicking.
To relax I crochet, knit sew whatever, I was reading Pams blog the other day A Good Life In Tydd and she was crocheting a ripple cushion I took a fancy to it and started my own
I am doing it in cotton and thought it would go well in the conservatory, as I cant sleep I am doing crochet, well I can sleep but I am waking at stupid o'clock today I was up at 4-30, I am at work today as well, I have cut my hours right back at the shop, but today I need to go in and sort out a couple of things. 
Have a good day. :-)


  1. Oh you've got so much on I don't know how your not a bag of nerves! I've spoken to people who didn't know our capital city was London so it doesn't surprise me. How come everyone is escaping to Wales? Do you all know something I don't? x

  2. Sounds like it's all go then! Hope it all goes smoothly for you this time. I hate moving house and trying to think if you've remembered everything- Soon be time to start digging up plants!

  3. You sound so busy, I know Wales is small but I didn't realise it was that small! Shocking really the lack of knowledge nowadays. Good lucky with your crochet I'm still trying to fathom out the ripple. I'm nearly there though.

  4. we haven't moved for 22 years and I've forgotten what a stress it is. Before that we moved 5 times in 12 years - seemed easier back then when we were so much younger.
    Hope all goes well.


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