Friday 9 December 2016

Dinner Preps

I have been getting some dinner preps done.
As the oven on the Rayburn is always on, its easy to knock something up quickly and get it in the oven.
Yorkshire Puddings, these will all go in the freezer.
To be added to future dinners.
Often at the week end when Martin is home I pop a joint in the oven to slow cook through the day when we are busy, having these to hand just to warm through will be a great addition.
This evening when peeling some potatoes I did some extra par boiled and now in the oven roasting in duck fat that is left over from a roast duck we had on Monday, when these are done and cooled they will be open frozen on a tray then bagged up ready to grab when needed.
I want to do the same with the parsnips, I was going to take them up today, but the rain put me off. Perhaps I will get them up this week end.
Last week I had a request from one of my grandsons for some biscuits, I made him up some gingerbread men
 They were sent off with an icing writing set for him to decorate,
In return he sent me some mince pies.
There was some dough left over from the gingerbread men
 and yesterday I turned the into some biscuits, 
I got this cookie stamp ages ago, before we moved, in a sale I think, 
 I tried it out on the biscuits and it made a good impression.
Just waiting for Martin to get home now, at least the fog has cleared.
Thursday 9th December 1982
Gave Fern and Magic dose of powders, gave Magic 2 pints of milk and 1/4pt Iron Aid. Let Celadine out to grass from her calf.
John fitted more glass, finished pressure washing out the calf house. John finished off paperwork for solicitor.
Had a letter from Madge about previous cheques sent.
John wrote to Madge in reply to letter. John phoned Douglas about photocopies of letters.
John phoned forestry about trees on fence, meeting man from forestry at picnic area on 13th Dec.
Went down to Brechfa post office to post mail and xmas cards.




  1. Ooooh look at those roast of my most favourite things ever.
    I have that cookie stamp too and I'm sure it has another couple of the red things to put on it. I'll have to look it out and get baking with Ruby-x-

    1. My stamp is fixed in place I think it cost me 50p

  2. I've always been fascinated by Yorkshire Pudding. Someday I hope to get to try one. The homemade biscuits look yummy, too!

    1. They are eaten with savory meals, its just a light batter mix cooked in fat in the oven.

  3. Dawn - you really are a bundle of energy. I feel like going and having a lie down after just reading of your efforts.

    1. The dark evenings mean I am indoors from 4-30 just filling time.

  4. Love the idea of Yorkshires must do that. Loving the stamp Dawn it just gives an edge to the biscuit. The naked gingerbread men are a great present.

    1. I was sent mince pies in return for the gingerbread men.

  5. I love the stamped biscuits, and what a good idea so send an icing set with the gingerbread men. I'm very tempted to put some roasties in the freezer for xmas, do they cook up nice a crispy again?

    1. The potatoes crisp up lovely when popped in the oven again.

  6. I can't wait to have a kitchen and be able to prepare delicious food to be eaten when time is short. Love the idea of frozen Yorkshire puddings!

    1. I like having things to hand for when we are busy

  7. Gingerbread men look fab. I have some stamps like that but not used them yet.

    1. I hadn't made gingerbread men for years glad I kept all my cutters.

  8. US fan here. I do dinner preps too. Love the potato idea, how do you warm them up? Love your blog.

    1. the potatoes go back in the oven from frozen for about 30 mins

  9. Great ideas for cooking ahead on Christmas Day - I may try some myself. That stamp is amazing.


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