Saturday 24 December 2016

The Big Man Is Coming

Tonight is the night, children all over the world are waiting in anticipation for the big man to visit them.
I hope what ever gifts he brings fills them with happiness.
Some-one else is waiting for a visitor.
 I hope there wont be a lump of coal in his stocking.

Postie brought a lovely delivery today, fills me with lots of excitement for next year
 The latest Chiltern Seeds catalogue's, I love Chiltern seeds and there catalogues, as well as all the usual there is a vast array of unusual, already I am starting a list, Okahijiki, Orach, Ajmud, Tortarello and Pipiche are a few of the edibles I am interested in.

Made up a quick bowl of coleslaw today
 A chance to try my new mandolin.

I wish you all Merry Christmas and a peaceful 2017  

Thursday 23rd December 1982
Checked all the sheep, took hay around on the tractor, put back strays with main flock.
Went and got tree, made 48 mince pies, 24 sausage rolls.
John puttied in door frame to try and keep out draught, started sorting out back room for Xmas, John put in two double sockets and coaxial cable for television.
put Xmas tree on a stand, put up Xmas decs.

Friday December 24th 1982
Scrubbed all floors, cleaned up all through.
John did all the chores.
Left here at 10 o'clock met Molly and Douglas in Carmarthen,
had fish and chips, did last minute shopping.
John received letter from Taunton police about driving without due care and attention.
Court January 10th.


  1. Well, there's a collection of mystery plant names! The only one I've heard of before is Orach, and I can't remember what that is. I look forward to finding out when you try them.
    happy Christmas

  2. "The Big Man" has been here already - RMan has German roots so we celebrate on Christmas Eve night. The kids don't complain about the early arrival... 😉

    Merry, Merry from 33oC here to you in the UK 😀

  3. I hope Sol finds something lovely in that stocking tomorrow morning!

    Merry Christmas, have a wonderful day.

  4. Beautiful Sol....I hope Santa brings you some lovely treats as I'm sure you have been a very good boy.

    A very Happy Christmas Dawn-x-

  5. I was looking through the lists today as well and picked out most of those as something I wanted to try! I love their drawings of veg in there, really makes me smile. Hope you both have a great day tomorrow (and Sol) I should imagine Christmas dinner will be amazing with lots of home grown goodies!

  6. Yes, that is a bunch of names! I love homemade coleslaw. Look forward to seeing what 2017 brings us all.

  7. Merry Christmas to you and yours from Australia Dawn! Our day is done here, warm and dry. Perfect! Hope yours is just as perfect :)


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