Sunday 4 December 2016

Goodbye Merlin

Today we took Merlin the Billy back to his owner,
 we think he has done his job with the girls, time will tell.
 He left without a murmur, we had the chance to buy him but declined, his owner is selling up and moving on to pastures new after the loss of his wife, its were my original girls came from, Merlin and the remainder of the herd are off to new owners next week. His ladies were pleased to see him again. Next year we will be looking for a new stud to service the girls.
As Mr B is selling up he is also selling off lots of equipment.
 We bought an electric goat milker from him.
 and Mr B gave us his goat milking stand, along with three big unopened boxes of bottles, this will all be very useful and make work of milking the goats a little easier as our herd grows.
 Sol tried out the stand for size.
we also bought this from Mr B
 A paddock cleaner, Mr B did have Alpacas as well a fairly big herd, all sold off now, the paddock cleaner was what he used to keep the Alpacas fields clean and the goat paddocks, it can be hooked on the back of the quad or tractor and it has its own independent motor, it is just a big hoover, it is also great for picking up leaves, so pasture maintenance will now be easier.

Yesterday I did my last craft market of the year, All my orders have been done delivered and posted off, the year has ended on a high 
approx £3,000 earned from crafting this year.

I have yet to total up other earnings from the smallholding this year as well as other totals.

I am off to cook dinner venison stir fry tonight, venison was in the freezer, veg from the freezer and poly tunnel.


  1. Wow, very well done on the craft earnings, must give you a good feeling.

  2. Well done with all your crafting successes. I know how hard you work at it so it's nice to have a substantial reward.

    You have done well with the purchases from Mr B and I can see you going from strength to strength with the goats now. I think that paddock cleaner will soon be worth its weight in gold!

  3. I'm not surprised you have done well with your crafting.
    You make some lovely things-x-

  4. WOW productive crafting year, but when you make quality pretty items, you will get a good customer base. I have loved everything I have purchased from you.

  5. That paddock cleaner looks like a handy thing! I use a leaf blower to move stuff into a pile but I can see where that would make cleanup a lot easier!

  6. Brilliant craft earnings. I don't know how you find the time to fit it all in.

  7. Well done on your craft earnings Dawn! I'm hoping Merlin did a good job by your ladies ;)

    My kids strongly envy your poo Hoover. We were just talking about their horse agistment place needing one today!

  8. Merlin may have gone but does his aroma linger?
    Huge craft earnings - you work so hard there

  9. That all looks really useful equipment Dawn, but £3,000 that is amazing. Well done you!!!!

  10. Hope Merlin performed as expected - and what luck to find all those 'goaty' things.
    Your earnings sound brilliant too.

  11. I take so much inspiration from your posts Dawn. As you know, the cushions have arrived and are wonderful, so thank you. Fingers crossed Merlin has done his job indeed :)


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