Friday 23 December 2016

Last Of The Baking

Today I was doing the last of the baking,
It was the turn of the sausage rolls,
I had a bag of minced pork in the freezer from our own pigs.
And a pack of frozen puff pastry
 The pork was mixed with onion, grated carrot and grated apple, a bit of fresh sage and thyme,
 half of them I sprinkled with poppy seeds.
I had half a bag of minced pork left, already defrosted
so it had to be used.
similar mixture to the sausage rolls but with the addition of some breadcrumbs and mustard I made up a batch of pork meatballs, cooked them up and are now in the freezer ready for a couple of meals. That's me done cooking this week, Martin will be home tonight for a few weeks, he is planning on rustling up a few meals.

Storm Barbara blew through today, one tree over and a window blown in on the shed, a little job for Martin tomorrow.
I hope everyone has managed to brave the storm.

Monday 20th December 1982
John went to see Mr Idris Jones about straw, mucked out cattle barn. Celendine bad front foot.
left here 3 o'clock, met Molly Douglas and Dick at service station, had meal exchanged presents, they took Lawrence home,
On the way home fan belt was slipping, stopped at service station, lucky to find RAC chap, put on new fan belt £20.80, gave him £5 for his trouble, home at 10 o'clock.

Tuesday 21st December
Went to Mr Evans in Pencader, picked up 45 bales straw £1.10 at bale, then looked at Renault Tractors and machinery, 
unloaded straw, poled off cattle in barn, put down straw bedding.

Wednesday 22nd December
Went to Carmarthen xmas shopping, 
on the way home picked up 2 cwt coal.
Looked at prices of calves in mart, quite high, got bang on head with microphone.
Snow everywhere.



  1. Oh no.....that's the one thing I have forgotten to get.... puff pastry for me sausage rolls.
    I wonder if I dare ask Andy to brave the supermarket tomorrow. Christmas isn't Christmas without a sausage roll-x-

  2. It's so nice when someone else does the cooking occasionally isn't it? My OH cooks sometimes, he does a nice roast.

  3. I have all the makings for sausage rolls in the freezer, possibly Boxing day morning will see them through the oven.

  4. Sausage meat mix sounds delicious. I haven't made sausage rolls this year although I do have the ingredients incase I change my mind. My house is lovely and Christmassy but I'm not feeling it. I'm sure that will change when I get with the family tomorrow.

  5. I finished my baking too yesterday. Grain free biscuits for the tree, including one that was experimental but turned out very well! I designed them for my partner, but the kids loved them too!

    I love seeing others food traditions, we have cold seafood as it's usually pretty warm down under. Last night we had bbq turkey breast as a nod to my partners UK xmas turkey memories :)

    Glad you were all ok with the storm. Happy Christmas Dawn from all the way from Australia! Looking forward to reading your blog in the new year!

  6. I have eate two virtual sausage rolls - they were delicious!
    Happy Christmas to you all.

  7. Merry Christmas to you and Martin, enjoy your time together.

  8. Have a lovely Christmas. My sausage roll picture is on todays post - snap!

  9. Mmmm sausage rolls! I fancy one just now. Wishing you a lovely Christmas day, enjoying time together. xx


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