Saturday 31 December 2016

Sad End To The Year

Its a sad end to the year on our little ranch,
Yesterday mama dove was attacked by the rouge buzzard that hangs about here.
Daddy dove carried on with feeding and come evening he was in with the babies.
When Martin checked this morning
Our two baby doves were dead, 
Daddy dove didn't manage to keep them warm through the night, doves share the responsibility of raising young, so we assumed he would manage.
We are now left with 3 males, the buzzard has taken 3 females along with chickens since we have been here.
While there is this constant threat I don't think we will be replacing the females.
Life will go on regardless, I just regret having not rescued the babies yesterday after the loss of the female, I also regret having the doves brought here.
Let's hope 2017 is a good year.
Diary (final extract)
Friday 31st December 1982
Went to Carmarthen bought Harrier WT2 walkie talkie, had a look round town, very nice had lunch in Littlewoods.
Phoned mother at 2-30am they had just walked back from Embassy new year eve party.
The diary finishes here, I suppose a new one was started, I guess at some point they got married from other bits and bobs that were found along with the diary, I have found out they lived here until retirement when they sold up and moved back south.


  1. I'm so sorry that your year has ended this way. Don't blame yourself in any way Dawn, it's just one of those things. All the best to you and Martin for 2017.

  2. Life can be so cruel, focus on your other animals, doves are so beautiful.

  3. Sorry about the doves, Dawn. I know it's the circle of life but still a pity when it's the loss of your animals.

    I hope you and Martin have a successful and happy new year ahead of you.

  4. Oh sad. I am so sorry.

    Wishing you and Martin a very Happy New Year-x-

  5. Aww, dang it. So sorry about that!! Here's to a New Year and good things only!

  6. Good things happen and bad things right and no wrong sometimes...the buzzard has to feed also...though very sad it's all part of a bigger plan that we have no control over. Chin up. xx

  7. That's such a shame. I think youre wise in not replacing them. Now you know there is a predator you can't control, it's best to move forward in a positive way.

    Here's hoping 2017 is a good year on your farm. I'm hoping it's the year we buy our own farm!

  8. Sad ending to the year. Not your fault.

  9. So sorry Dawn. It is a fact of farming life I suppose and once the buzzard found an easy pantry he/she was likely to empty it.

  10. So sorry pity something cannot be done about the predator. Hugs x

  11. Sorry about the doves. Hoping 2017 brings many blessings to you!

  12. Worst feeling ever. Sorry Dawn. Our quail experiment ultimately ended on a similar note. We live and learn and do our best.


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