Monday 19 December 2016

A Shopping Day

We had to go out for a bit of shopping today,
Animal feeds to see us over the holidays,
Red Mite spray for the chickens.
A new bed for Sol, we had a 20% voucher off animal beds to use.
He tried it out in the shop and as soon as it was in the back of the car he was straight into it, I am sure he loves his new bed, 
I did a bit of Amazon shopping the other day, delivery's arrived today.
 A sack of strong flour for bread making.
 A new mandolin, my other one that is all plastic, I have had about 15 years and it has a crack in it, no longer safe to use, this time I pushed the boat out and went for one in a metal frame.
A mandolin is something I use a lot, perfect for making coleslaw and giving me nice even slices for dehydrating.
 I have had these on my shopping list for a while, looking forward to making some pasties now.
All the family pressies are ready for Martin to take back with him tomorrow and deliver.
He will be back on Friday and home for a few weeks, looking forward to spending some time together.
Tuesday December 14th 1982
Man from agri came to check flock numbers, his count agreed.
Rep called about fertilisers, sorted out and cleaned up all veterinary equipment, Letter from mother and 3 cards, John got super ser working for kitchen. Lit backroom fire.
Celandine badly tore back teat, called vet, did not stitch, inserted antibiotic cream and plastic insert, sprayed with antibiotic spray.
Jasper still scouring, separated her from Celandine.
Rained all day, John phoned dealer about straw, £60 a ton, and Thomas about wood shavings.
Wednesday December 15th 1982
Logging in forestry  in the morning, logging in field in afternoon, tractor and trailer stuck at bottom of field, light fell so have to go and try get it out tomorrow.




  1. Loving the mandolin does it come with chainmail gloves? I'd be terrified to use it as I'm on the clumsy side. 😁

  2. I disposed of my old Mandolin a few weeks ago, I haven't missed it yet, if and when I do I will look for another. Red Mite spraying, oh yes I remember it well, not a pleasant job. I hope the spray formula has been updated as it used to take me almost a week to shower all the smell off.
    Have a lovely Christmas and a good New Year with Martin at home for a nice long stay.

  3. Doesn't Sol look grand is his new bed!

  4. I would love a good mandolin and also a set of the little pasty makers. I feel a visit to the cookshop coming on.
    Sol looks so cosy in his new bed.
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year-x-

  5. Lucky and comfy looking Sol. Love the look of the Mandolin. Where do you get your flour from and how much for 16K? It will be great to have Martin home for longer than the weekend.

  6. Have some lovely family time together when Martin gets home. You're brave with the mandolin. :D
    Sol gets more good looking every time I see him

  7. Lovely early Christmas present for Sol. I haven't seen the pastie cutters, what a good idea, would quite like a mandolin xx


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