Thursday 3 March 2016

4 Little Runts

I collected these 4 little runts the other day from a local farmer
They are from ewes who had triplets,
Some ewes struggle with triplets and the smallest one's are the ones that lose out. 
These were a scrawny bunch,  there skin was all loose and baggy and they wee very unsteady on there feet.
They are a couple of days old getting them to take a bottle was a challange
but after 24hrs they had just about mastered it.
Bottle feeding lambs is time consuming and it was taking an hour at each feed
6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 11pm, as well as having to making up feeds and then there is all the bottle washing.
I hope in a couple of days they will be able to get on with self feed bottles set up on holders.
If I can get them through the next few weeks they are in with a chance.
I had to write numbers on them as three of them are very alike and I needed to know who I had fed.

They have been under a heat lamp and in a small closed off area to try and keep them warm.
If they make it they are destined for the table so no names for this lot.
A couple of days on and there is a marked change
They are filling out and becoming demanding for food,
number 3 and 4 still struggle a bit with the bottle but are getting there.

Being busy with lambs and seeing to everyone else as well,
Kara is still taking a bottle although it only takes a few minuets for her to down her bottle

I had a bunch of corriander in the fridge to use up so put together a Carrot and corriander soup
started on the stove top and then just popped into the oven for the afternoon.

With the Rayburn simmering away during the day the oven can be used like a slow cooker.
Come dinner time it was easy enough to finish off the soup and blitz it together.
enough for several lunches this week

Here is the recipe if you click on it you should be able to enlarge it.

The wind that blew through the other morning took its toll on one of the Alpaca shelters and tore the roof off.

Just as well they are not using the field shelters at the moment,
They are still coming into the barn to feed twice a day and can access the barn area when they want.
Plenty of Daffodils are blooming in the front garden
Its lovely to be able to pick a couple of dozen to bring indoors
I used to always buy daffodils for indoors, 
A nice splash of spring.
Time to get back home again, another feed to do.


  1. The wind around us blew a few large branches down in and around Trawsgoed wood and a few bits flew about in the garden but all well. Your lambs are just darling!I am holding back picking daffs from the garden, we have loads but not quite showing yellow. I am waiting as I REFUSE to buy any with all ours in waiting.xx

  2. Looks like you've had your hands full with the lambs - well done on getting them up and about and more lively. Damaging winter wind, and daffodils ;) My very favourite flowers...

  3. Hope the baby lambs continue to flourish. We have had a lot of strong winds this past 12 months or so. Seriously thinking of getting a wind generator as a back up source of power.

  4. My mother actively seeks out and lives for bottle babies. She had five last year and I was lucky in that I found a couple who wanted 2 whethers as pets. Once she bottle feeds em slaughter or market is off the table so I live in dread of bottle babies this year.

  5. My lamb-feeding days are over thank goodness - but I do know how demanding it is. As soon as they get used to it they start calling you the minute the back door opens!

  6. We call our daffodils "Easter lilies" since they usually bloom around Easter time. They're up and blooming early this year, though. So pretty!

  7. I'm with you on the feedings, making up bottles & constant washing except mine is human ;)
    Soup looks delicious x

  8. Crikey, looking at your last photo, I remember you showing us all the daffodils in your front garden last year, how quickly the time passes. Glad your lambs are improving.

  9. When I was a child it was not unusual to come down in the morning and find a lamb in the warming oven of the range, it would dry out and get put into the wash house with it's mother for a few hours with the fire lit.

  10. We are bottle feeding one the lambs after his mum rejected him, but we haven't named him either because he is also destined for the freezer!

  11. Lovely post. I hope all the lambs make it. Dan annoying about the field shelter roof. Re the wind turbines, we looked in to a private one a few years ago but found the cost to be too much compared to the saving. I'd be interested to see if it was still the same.
    Lovely looking soup, it's not one I have tried myself.

  12. ah they are adorable, even if they are destined for the freezer haha. That's what i love about you though, you care about your animals but you're honest about what they are there for :) xx

  13. You need a lambar, like this one so you can feed them all at once. Good job, though! They are looking much improved. I've only had one bottle baby, and while it was kinda fun, one was enough.

  14. How exciting Dawn, I hope they thrive for you x


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