Saturday 19 March 2016

A Bit Of A Weave Going On

I have made a start on my garden project that I was collecting the sticks for 
 Seeing Kirsty's post on HER BLOG reminded me of a project that I mentioned to Martin last year
I wanted to weave some edges for what will be flower borders in the garden

 I cut the sticks into a suitable length and hammered them into the ground
Then cut lots of flexible thin branches to weave in and out of the uprights
 Its starting to come together
yes this will be full of flowering plants
Martin thinks it looks very rustic
best of all its free, this year is going to be the year that I plan to get borders established in the garden,
I least I have some defined edging now,
There is still more to do its a big area to edge.

Now a bit of a mystery, when Martin was poo picking this morning 
he came across this egg
 sitting in the middle of a pile of Alpaca poo
Its not a chicken egg, chicken egg on the left, its smaller and has a white shell.
I think it was a duck egg, next door have some Mallards nesting on there pond and I think something stole the egg and happened to drop it were Martin found it.
Unless of course the Alpacas have started laying eggs.
Sol got the egg with his dinner.

On the subject of Alpacas here is a short video of Martin calling in the Alpacas from the field into the barn for there feed.
They have to cut through the bottom of the garden and dodge the washing 
they are really good at coming when called now.
Makes life a bit easier rounding them up.

I have been doing a bit of sewing today as well, details over on my craft blog.


  1. I always like the looks of those woven stick fences but they are sucha pain to get the sticks for. You did a good job!!!

    1. We seem to have a fair amount of sticks among the overgrown hedging that I can use :-)

  2. I love your edging, the beds will look lovely.

  3. That's a neat idea for the edging.

    1. Martin had in mind bricks for edging but I beat him too it he knows the garden is my area

  4. that edging looks lovely, I'll be adding it to my list of "things I would like to do but will probably not have time for" haha :)
    that egg has amazing markings, it always astounds me the myriad of colours and speckles different eggs can have xx

    1. sorry should have said the egg was plain white all over the marks are dirt from were it was found

  5. Love your new project and an eggy bonus, too!

  6. You have such good ideas! Another one definitely worth nicking! :)

    1. not my idea just something I had seen and adapted

  7. Is the last one called "Paul". ????? Made me laugh the great round up. Good hedging too.

    1. It makes life easier when they come in when called

  8. You are so imaginative. Love the film of the alpacas.

    1. I am always surprised they avoid the washing I keep expecting to find an alpaca wearing my undies on it head


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