Monday 21 March 2016

Wild And Not Wasting

Yesterday morning I was in the kitchen again
I mistakenly bought this 
 Caramel condensed milk instead of plain condensed milk, didn't realise until I opened it, not wanting to waste it I had to put it to use, It is generally used for Banoffee, Martin hates bananas so that was a no goer, I did a bit of internet searching and decided on a Millionaires Shortbread
I used my own simple shortbread base 
It went very well with a cup of tea enjoyed outside in the afternoon sunshine, Martin will be taking most of it back with him to have at work, I still had a malt loaf left over from my last baking session so I have popped that in the freezer.
Lunch yesterday was making the most of the wild garlic while its in season
This time it was wild garlic soup, I have done this before and its my own adapted recipe 
If you click on it it should enlarge if you cant read it let me know and I will write it up.
The rest of the day was spent in the garden and poly tunnel
 The Pink Fir potatoes I bought are chitted and I got them planted in the poly tunnel
 next to the bed of early potatoes that are growing really well and now earthed up to the top it wont be long before I can harvest them.
 I also got a small row of peas in, not the usual ones I grow but I am trying to use up odd packets of seeds.
While I was at it I sowed some Fennel bulb seeds and Okra, all straight into the ground  in the poly tunnel,
I have also started off some sweet corn in root trainers in the greenhouse, they will also go into the poly tunnel.
Outside the garlic bed 
 Is cracking up, we are 12 days without rain and its starting to show,
I am working on that bed today.
I got the membrane laid for the next row of willow hedging that I will be planting today,
We had a bit of clear up in the goat field
 We took down the pen area around there house that we used when we first moved them outside
 Stacked up all the branches into one pile
 They like to chew the bark off the branches
 and the kids found it made a great new toy to climb over
 They are very sure footed climbing over the branches
 The kids are really growing well
Martin calls them devils with those little horns
They are still cute 
 And very inquisitive,
Time to get a move on the sun is still shinning and I have hedgerow to plant.


  1. The millionaires shortbread looks amazing Dawn! Haven't the kids grown too, I love their colour. Have a good week :) x

    1. they are very pale in colour compared to there parents

  2. Waste Not, Want Not! The shortbread looks amazing!

    1. I much prefer my shortbread plain but Martin enjoys it

  3. I love love love love love love millionaire shortbread. I could eat it all day but it doesn't come within 100yds of the house because of the calories. Enjoy it. Still looking for wild garlic. Tx

    1. I have given it to Martin to take back with him I did try a couple of bits

  4. Caramel condensed milk. I have never heard of that before, but it sounds delicious. Yay for adapting!

  5. I shall studiously avoid the condensed milk counter in the supermarket - I adore the stuff but each spoonful is enough calories for an hour or two's hard work.
    Those kids look almost too good tobe true. Like all babies - it's a pity they have to grow into adults

    1. when I was a kid we used to have condensed milk in sandwiches :-)

  6. Jon likes Millionnaire's Shortbread and I've often seen the caramel condensed milk in Aldi, I think. Must give this a go!

  7. The bread looks good. I think I would pass on the garlic soup though as I am not a big garlic fan. Young goats are so cute!!!

    1. Young goats are cute looking forward to trying them more

  8. Potatoes in the poly tunnel? Brilliant! I need to try that! I'd like to try that Millionaire's Shortbread too, but I've never seen caramel condensed milk in our Aldi! Unlike PP, I'm definitely interested in that garlic soup! Goat pics are great too, always a source of smiles.

    1. This year I am trying to grow potatoes all year round in the poly tunnel

  9. You exhaust me! It's brilliant that you can get so much done in the sunshine :)

    1. Got the make the most of the good weather


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