Sunday 20 April 2014

Rain Stops Play

Today started off dull grey and chilly, but I got outside and made a start cleaning down the poly tunnel inside and out, getting rid of all the green algae that has accumulated in the past year, the light levels in the poly tunnel are now great so everything should come on fine, didn't realise how grubby it was.
I also managed to spend a bit of time in the garden sowing some radish, lettuce beetroot and snowball turnip seeds, I noticed there was some gaps in the peas so I have inter sowed the gaps with some purple mange tout that way I will know which peas are which.
We went down to the farm shop to get some new long canes so I can put up my bean wigwam in readiness, while we were there I picked up one of there £1 boxes of fruit and veg
3 onions just as well I have run out
4 parsnips for tonight's dinner
1 head of broccoli also for dinner tonight
2 little gem lettuce
1 Pepper
1 Apple
1 Cucumber
1 Orange 
5 lemons
not bad for £1 and I do love these plastic crates also got a new drinker for the chooks as the plastic broke on there one this morning.

The rain started at lunch time so it was back indoors for a bacon and mushroom sandwich for lunch, we are still using the bacon that we cured at back in January
I vac packed it all in pack of 8 rashers and popped it in the freezer its the best bacon we have ever had and so easy to do. I think we still have about 4 packs left.

After lunch I thought I would a time trial with my new induction plate versus the gas burner, so set it up with identical pans on both and a pint of water in both
here is a video of the trial

managed to get back into the garden a bit this afternoon before the rain started again, so indoors once more and armed with a little seed shopping list to purchase off the internet, and I want to look for some bamboo to grow myself so I don't have to keep buying canes.

Have any of you out there in blog land tried induction cooking I would love to know how you get on, as I have now decided its an Induction cooker we will have in our next home.


  1. Amazing box for £1 I'm so jealous! I love those little crates as well as they come in handy for loads of things don't they? x

  2. Induction hobs are great. It took me a while to get used to mine but now it is easy. Pans heat up very quickly and you can get things boiling very rapidly. I find mine to be very controllable too - from barely simmering to rapid boil (and even boil over - oops!). Also so easy to clean and cool down very quickly once you turn them off. Best of all - mine came with a voucher for a free set of le creuset pans so I gave my previous pan set to the homeless shelter: win:win!

    There are a fair few induction friendly pans on the market now so you have more choice - even an induction friendly pressure cooker! Sadly, Granny's jam making pan wasn't compatible though :(

    Good luck



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