Wednesday 16 April 2014

Onwards and Upwards

Got over my sulk from the loss of the buyer, as dissapointing as it is there is nothing that can be done, so its onwards and upwards with life. 
I spent some time in the greenhouse yesterday always a good place to think, dug out some of my old terracota pots, I do like terracota pots they have a lot more carachter than plastic pots, I have sowed a collection of herb seeds in them that came free with a magazine and used my labler machine to print out some lables for them.

Dont know why I never thought of printing out lables before, its so neat and tidy, and as I bought a box of 10 compatible cartridges some time ago for the machine it makes sense to use them up. 
I did notice that my Dahlias that are planted in an old galvanized bucket were being atacked by a slimy pest, i had a hunt round and couldnt find the offender, then I remembered that I had some reels of copper tape in the shed, so I used some around the bucket

Again this is something I havent used before but had kicking around for a couple of years, I remember getting it in the pound shop, I dont like using slug pellets in the garden always have concerns for birds and hedgehogs and voles, and we dont use any pesticides on plants because of the bees and the tortoise.
In the greenhouses I have some natrual pest control, my carnivorous plants, its a collection I started a year ago and they have over wintered well,

The pitchers are growing back on the pitcher plants and the venus flytrap is growing new traps, the sticky sundew already has a few captives, the little half barrel that I have turned into a bog garden (top picture) has three diffrent pitcher plants in it and is displaying some beutiful flowers at the moment that have a lovely lemon smell, last years the pitchers on that plant grew to be 18 inches long, the half barrel lives in one 
greenhouse and the individual plants get scattered amongs the trays of the other greenhouse. I do find them fascinating plants and so easy to look after.
Thats me up to date now so time for work we sart an overhaul in the shop today so its going to be a long day.

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