Sunday 8 November 2015

Wet Wild And Relaxing

Its been a wet and wild weekend with the weather,
 the tail end of Abigail swept through, 
Bringing down branches, turning the road down the mountain into a river
and knocking out some of the glass from the greenhouse.
I was down the village in the morning with my stall in the village hall

I am still trying to build up stock, sales were good and more orders to fulfil despite the weather.
Last night we went out for dinner at the village pub, a very nice evening.
This morning it was still wet and wild out there, Martin did the morning feed round and mucking out, while I hoovered through, washed floors, baked bread, I also got breakfast ready for when he got in
 A big stack of American pancakes, we had them with maple syrup and cream, 
We didn't eat them all, 10 went into the freezer for another couple of breakfasts.
We went out and tended to the goats feet, they are defiantly better, 
they can now jump on top of there house, no sign of any infections in there feet, 
One more session to do with them tomorrow then treatment is finished.
I spent the rest of the day in my cabin making up some orders and working on some new lines
Martin work away outside in the rain and wind, 
Lambert was moved to fresh pasture and the poultry were clean out.
Tonight's dinner came from one of the Pioneer Woman's cook books.
Chicken with mustard sauce, lemony green beans and jacket potatoes
It was really tasty, there is one portion of the chicken left for Martin to take back with him.
We are all settled down for the evening now, Sol is sprawled out on the floor, Martin has just washed the dished, I have a bit of hand sewing to do. 
I did also make a new cushion today for the house details on my craft blog.

So have you had a wet wild week end ?


  1. We had rain yesterday morning for a short while and it was definitely windier than it has been in ages out there, Wished I'd done my washing yesterday but thought it may rain. No rain today and the wind has died down. Popping over to see your craft blog now.

  2. Sounds busy! This week I made the tomato soup and the veggie chilli from the new PW book - with the red cover - they are very tasty! I have lots in the freezer now for other days too! Hope you keep enjoying using them! xx

  3. It has been fairly wild here, the wind has been lashing the rain against the windows. No damage in my garden but there have been a few branches down and some tattered bits of shrubbery bowling along the road.

  4. Sounds like a great weekend. And could you please explain jacket potatoes - I'm fairly sure that you don't make them little coats to wear. Also - is there an English pancake as opposed to American pancake? What kind of cream to you use - just cream out of the bottle (or carton) from the grocery? I've not heard of adding cream to the maple syrup.

    I liked your table displays - some fun stuff there.

    We had a blustery weekend too here in the Pacific Northwest- more rain and wind with a bit of a sun break in the morning, and so we took advantage of that and drove down to the valley to see if the Snow Geese and Trumpeter Swans had migrated in for the winter. Sure enough - they had. Not a lot yet - several flocks of a few thousand is all so far but many more to come - I just love the sight and sound of the flocks. Great weekend. We then came home - after a little grocery shopping - and did house chores - got a lot done.

    1. Jacket Potatoes are what you call Baked Potatoes, the english pancake is just a thin pancake and served rolled up similar to a crepe, cream is fresh double cream your equivalent of a heavy cream :-)

  5. Wet and windy here too on Saturday but Sunday was dry so leaf collecting was the order of the day - otherwise you are at risk of stepping in an unpleasant parcel, left by Jet! Covered up my mosaic table to protect it from the weather too. I hate the look of those green bags, but there isn't room in the shed. I love the look of your craft stall :)

  6. As we're within spitting distance, YES! We spent yesterday inside at the Fleamarket so only got wet loading and unloading. Our hill the same as yours - it turns into a river with all the runoff from the hillsides.

    That looks a tasty meal. I suspect you will be going through those books trying out lots of the recipes.

    Your stall looked great and glad that you did well, and got more orders.

  7. Abigail only reached us during the night and seems to be passing through fairly quickly.
    As I write this the sun is our although there has been a succession of heavy showers too. Your breakfast pancakes look wonderful!

  8. We had a wet and blustery weekend. However, after a wet morning on Saturday we drove into Aber and we walked from one of the supermarkets into town and I was baking hot by the time we got there! Very wet and windy just now and CANNOT get the dog to come in. He does have a lttle house in the gaden to guess he must be in there/1

  9. It's wet and wild here today, I'm glad I don't have to go far in it. It sounds like you've had a busy weekend, it's good to get the jobs done so you can batten down the hatches on an evening and spend a bit of time crafting. Those pancakes look delicious.


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