Tuesday 10 November 2015

Its All A Secret

Just a quick post this evening,
The wind has died down and the rain has eased, 
we are just sitting in one of those white soft fluffy clouds
only they are not all soft and fluffy they are wet very wet 
There is a cold snap on the way they say, I am looking forward to it.

I forgot to show you yesterday 
Martin got round to starting his Sloe Gin, 
we were waiting for a frost but as of yet we haven't had one

I was asked yesterday how I am going to store those Chocoholics Christmas Puddings
Here they are all wrapped in cellophane bags and they are now in a cool place.
And I was asked how to make them 

Bovey Belle called in this morning with a birthday card for me, a lovely surprise,
I was working on Christmas pressies for some of the grand kids today
 but cant show you or say any more its a secret.
I also have an idea for some of the men folk 
have been ordering in a few supplies for them
Cant say any more its a secret.

Tomorrow its my birthday and I will be heading into Lampeter I have a date with the dentist, 
might just manage to squeeze in a visit to a few shops of interest.
Right time to get the dishes washed and settle down 
to do some knitting and watch the Great Pottery Throw Down

Have a good evening folks :-)


  1. Many Happies for tomorrow. Pity about the dentist - hope the shopping makes up for it ;)

  2. Happy birthday for tomorrow. If you tell the dentist he might go easy on you!

  3. Hope you have a lovely birthday tomorrow. Why didn't you bung the sloes in the freezer after you had picked them. Has the same effect. Helps break the sloes down so that you get all that flavour into the gin. Look forward to the reveal on the surprise. Do not envy you the dentist and on your birthday. Try and have a good day.



  4. Happy birthday Dawn..hope it is a sparkler...xx

  5. Happy Birthday for tomorrow Dawn, hopefully no fillings!

  6. Hope you have a very happy birthday tomorrow Dawn and that the visit to the dentist isn't a painful one xxx

  7. Have a grand day tomorrow - after the dentist is done. Isn't it great fun to plan surprises for the holiday?

  8. Happy birthday for tomorrow hope the dentist goes well x

  9. Happy Birthday for tomorrow! Hope that the dentist goes OK! xx

  10. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Dawn. Happy birthday to you. Have a lovely day. I hope the dentist is kind and you have a lovely shopping trip.

  11. Happy Birthday busy lady. Hope it's a good one despite the trip to the dentist.

  12. Happy Birthday for tomorrow and good luck at the dentist :(
    I went to Uni at Lampetet - know it well :)

  13. happy Birthday Dawn, looking forward to next Monday.

  14. Can't stop - am off to look at thos Choccy puddings. Oh but Happy Birthday.

  15. Happy Birthday Dawn! Hope you have a lovely day :)

  16. Happy Birthday, Dawn. Have a good day. It is my hubs birthday tomorrow, too! We are celebrating with a bottle of red and a Chinese from Tregaron. A bit expensive compared to where we used to live but nice to have all the same. We must find time to meet for a coffee some time.xx

  17. The dentists on your birthday? You didn't organise that very well. Never mind, it gives you an opportunity to visit a few shops, have a good time. Have a very happy birthday.

  18. Happy birthday Dawn. Hope you've had a good day!

  19. Happy happy Birthday Dawn, hope you have the most fab day, and that the dentist is gentle with you :)

  20. Happy Birthday. Hope the shopping was great, and we won't even mention the other thing!


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