Friday 27 November 2015

All A Bit Of A Rush

Tonight I have visitors arriving, roughly the same time Martin will be getting home, daughter partner and 5 grandchildren, there plans have changed for the week end so instead of just a one night stop as they were passing through, they are now passing and stopping for the week end.
They will need supper when they get here so I have knocked up some

 Cinnamon Buns, I made them using a crazy dough recipe HERE the instructions are also there for doing the cinnamon buns.
 Which I needed brown sugar for, there wasn't enough in the jar so I had to make up some more
A rummage in the freezer produced some puff pastry, cooked chicken and peppers
I rolled out half the block spread on some tomato puree, added the chicken and some peppers threw on some chunks of cheese into the oven until I think its done.
Also found some mini pasties and mini toad in holes in the freezer so have taken them out as well they can be warmed through in the oven when they get here.

Sol's bed cover was put back on all nice and clean he loves it here is a short video showing how much Sol loves his new filled bed

Right must shut the chickens, quick change of clothes then dash off to pottery, the fire is all laid ready to match too when I get back, the beds are all made, house is spick and span 

Got to go :-) 


  1. I wouldn't be rushing to move neither if I was on a lovely snug bed near the Aga. Cakes look scummy. Enjoy having your family weekend.

  2. Gonna have a house full eh? Looks like your well prepared!!!

    I think Sol would have preferred not having the camera with the bed though :)

  3. That dough looks like a good thing to have on stand by!

  4. Sounds like a busy - but fun - weekend. The food looks so good.

  5. You have rustled up some yummy food for your guests. I bet it goes down a storm.

    It was good to see you again last night, and I really enjoyed pottery and hope that the glazes look good when they have been fired.

  6. Sol is such a lovely boy. His new bed looks cozy.

  7. Awww, that's one happy doggy. Enjoy your weekend with your family.

  8. Looks good, I am off to check out the recipe.

  9. Love that pupster!!! The grub sounds pretty good

  10. A very happy Sol by the looks of things, lovely waggy tail! :-)


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