Wednesday 29 April 2015

Normal Service Resumed

I am back to my normal self now, I have spent the day sorting out samples that came from the shop, pictures on my craft blog, I have also been packing boxes with stock ready for the sale in the village hall on Saturday, Its very difficult deciding what to take as there is so much stuff.

We had some rain overnight, well it was a cracking storm we had, thunder, lightning, hail and rain, at last I have some water in the barrels.

Not really done anything outside today apart from the usual animal feeds and checking the greenhouse and poly tunnel and raised beds.

Kara managed to walk as far as the post box today, she hasn't done that in a long time, Kara's health is declining she now has three large tumours last week the vet told me she may have anything from a few weeks to a few months, she is not in any discomfort She spends a lot of time sleeping and has very little energy.

I don't think I have told you about Sol his real name is (xyol) were do they get these names from, anyway Sol is another retired pensioner from Dogs for the Disabled he is a black lab and 8 years old, Martin has met up with him and collects him on Friday. He has been trained to a different standard from Kara as he was a partner to an Autistic child, unfortunately the parents split up and couldn't afford to keep the dog any more so he is coming to us.

Thats all from me today sorry no pictures 


  1. Glad you're feeling back to normal today. Sad about Kara, I've heard or read of quite a few poorly animals recently, such a shame that our pets don't live as long as we do. Good news about the new dog Sol though.

  2. No wonder you've been feeling down - poor Kara - whilst she's happy and not in pain you are doing the right thing to let her just be. Hugs to both you and Kara xxx

  3. It's good to know you're feeling better. Animals break your heart but you can't be without them.

  4. Glad you are feeling better Dawn and that Kara is not in any discomfort.xx

  5. We have had heavy rain all evening, very good for the new lawn. Sad news about Kara, she is a lovely dog, Kev sends his regards.

  6. If I could put my arms around you and give you and Kara massive hugs I would. They are coming virtually. I hope that the sale goes well on Saturday and that Sol settles in well with you all too! A new character to add to the mini farm! xx

  7. I am sorry to hear that Kara is declining , but glad she is comfortable . I am sure she will enjoy the new companion too. Happy to hear you are helping out another dog , sad for the poor child though who's parents could not afford the upkeep.

  8. I'm glad your feeling more on top of things but incredibly sad to hear about Kara's health x

  9. Glad that you are feeling better and very sorry to hear about Kara. I am playing catch up today, yesterday was a garden day followed by a long hot shower, left overs for dinner and an early night with a book. I picked it off the floor when I turned my lamp off at 5:30 this morning, my glasses, thankfully, were still on my face and not bent.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about Kara. Thank goodness she is not in any pain, and she have your love to sustain her.

  11. Sorry to hear about Kara... I realised from your previous post that she was very poorly. I look forward to seeing some photos of Sol shortly. Jx


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