Wednesday 22 April 2015

Hello Its Kara Here

Hello again bloggers, Its Kara here
It's been 6 months since I last spoke to you, I have been so busy doing lots of things
I have been to the seaside with the humans and had a lovely time, we have been to the seaside a few times I really like it there, I can swim in the sea I am a good swimmer, there is lots of interesting smells and lots of doggy friends.
I have been making lots of friends here too at my new home
There is my friend Kasey from next door who comes to visit me
Yesterday this funny rock thing turned up the lady human was really happy and was talking to it, the rock thing doesn't play and doesn't make any noise, I keep barking at it but it dosent pay any attention to me, perhaps it will want to be my friend too.
This little bundle of energy came to visit and it ran round and round, its only a baby and cant bark yet I showed it how to bark and it run away to to hide behind its human I think I scared it.
There is my old friend Lambert we often have a chat through the fence, I like Lambert he does funny things like running up to the posts and hitting his head on them, he also broke his house twice and the man human who made it for him wasn't pleased.
This is one of my babies, there are three of them and they are always happy to see me they have funny little squeaks, I really want to play with them but the lady human doesn't let me, they arrived one day, there is this strange box on the sideboard and one day there was this squeaking and when they lady human opened it there was my first baby it was very exciting then a few days later another baby arrived in the box, I was watching the box after that  and it happened again it must be a magic box, there hasn't been any more but I keep checking the box as it is still there making a humming noise.
The lady human keeps telling me that soon I will have a new friend and he is going to live here with us for his retirement, I go outside and look but I cant see him coming yet, I bark for him and I cant hear him bark back, he must be coming from a long way. I do hope he is nice when he comes and wants to be my friend too. I like having friends.
A little while ago the lady human took me to see the dog doctor, he is a nice human I was a little poorly I was left with him I didn't mind I went to sleep and had some really funny dreams, but my humans came back and collected me, I was feeling very strange and I was all wobbly
 There was something wrong with my foot, for a long time I had to keep going back to the dog doctor and he would look at my foot and put new wrappings on it, I didn't feel well at all, my humans were very sad about it, when the wrapping was taking off for the last time my toe was missing I don't know were it went perhaps it was taken away with the wrapping very strange, I am making sure I don't lose any more toes and count them every day.
I have had a lovely retirement but I am getting so very tired now
I like to sleep in the sun when I can, I will sleep anywhere I can,  I cant get around the big field anymore with the lady human when she feeds all the animals I lay in the grass and wait for her and its really hard walking to the post box my lady human can get there and meet me on her way back.
The Man Human still comes to visit and he likes to play with me, I like it when he sits on the floor and I can lay there and sleep with my head resting on him.
Yesterday the lady human  took me to see the nice dog doctor again, he was feeling me all over and looking in my mouth and eyes, when was talking to my lady human she started crying and was very sad, I put my head on her knee an wagged my tail but she still cried.
When we got home she gave me some chew treats I must have done something really good.
I need to go and have a another nap now in the sunshine perhaps I will lie in the straw I like to sleep on the straw its really comfy, its hard work this retirement take care bloggers.


  1. Aw... reading your post has brought tears to my eyes too. Sending lots of love and hugs to everyone. Jx

  2. Bless her - hugs for you and Kara xxx

  3. Lovely post, and sad, I will be thinking of you and the lady human, please give her a lick and say it was from me, xxxxx

  4. So poignant, a lovely post.

  5. Such a beautiful girl (labs are my favourite). Very sad. She is having the best retirement with your family.

  6. Kara I am so pleased you're feeling better. Enjoy your retirement I intend to when it gets here!

  7. Oh how sad! That's was beautifully written. Sending you all hugs x

  8. Hi Kara, I have been to see you a couple of times now, Have a good rest and give your humans a little tail wag from me. Ben has met you but sends a bark.

  9. Kara is so beautiful, made me very teary though.

  10. Oh Kara.....God be with you sweet girl.

  11. Kara, we have an elderly, blind old lady dog in our family too, we're not sure how much longer she will be with us, but she surprises us everyday with her attempts to still come for walks. She sleep a lot too. Why can't dogs live longer? xo

  12. I felt quite lumpy as well. We have an elderly dog, so know how you feel. Vx

  13. Kara is a lucky dog to spend her retirement with such a loving family and her beautiful face on the pillow made me cry. I hope she gets the summer at least to lie around in the sunshine and be happy. x

  14. A beautiful tribute to a very special lady. I have been lucky enough to meet up with Kara on a regular basis since her arrival here and she is an absolute diamond. To see her relax, investigate and to simply enjoy her 'new' life has been an honour and a privilage. I'm also sure that Kara being around has helped my Kacy with the loss of her own lifelong friend last August - so thank you Kara.
    I can hear her barking now - perhaps she is trying to get that 'rock' to speak to her!

  15. Kara, let us hope one day you go to sleep and wake up in a wonderful place where you can again run all you want and play with lots new doggy friends. And maybe there will be a cloud edge you can peak over to keep an eye on the humans, your babies, lambert and even the rock thing.

  16. Go ahead, break my heart! Seriously, you're doing the very, very best for Kara. No one could do more and she loves you for it.

  17. What a lovely post and I am sure that Kara is so happy with you and appreciates her new life and everything you do for her.

  18. Oh Kara, I don't know what to say. I am so glad that you like your life with the lady human and the man human and all of the other visitors. I know that they love you an awful lot. xx


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