Monday 27 April 2015

A Nothing Sort Of Day

Got up this morning and felt down in the dumps, I didn't sleep well so much to think about, so much to do, Martin brought some more of the shop stock up at the week end, it looks so overwhelming seeing it all there, I have at last booked a stall a the village sale this Saturday to try and move some of it on, I have also started listing some on my craft blog.
I didn't feel like going to the craft group this morning so headed into town to do a monthly shop £49 this time, and to pick up the bits I needed for the watering system.
On my way back I spotted these
Wild Garlic there was masses of them just down the road from me, I picked a small bunch and intended adding them to some mince for dinner, but come dinner time I couldn't be bothered to cook, settled on a sandwich and yogurt instead, I will cook tomorrow and use them then.
I got the watering set up for the tunnel another job off the list.
We have had a couple of showers not much just short showers.
That's it for today a few things got done.


  1. I keep meaning to sell some things on ebay but never get around to it. It's quite a hassle really isn't it! I keep meaning to use wild garlic but always forget. I quite fancy making a pesto with it.

    1. I cant be doing with e-bay although I may put some mixed lots on there well I will get Martin to put them on :-)

  2. It's horrible if you feel tired but don't get a good night's sleep. I hope that you feel better tomorrow. Jx

    1. Its not often it happens but when it does it takes me few days to recover :-)

  3. I love wild garlic and intend to have a patch in the garden, it makes a brilliant pesto and I use it like grape leaves, roll around a tasty filling and steam lightly.

    1. I like the idea of using it like grape vines will keep that in mind :-)

  4. Sorry to hear you didn't have such a good day. Lack of sleep certainly doesn't help, but sometimes it's just the way you wake up. I get those days too! I love wild garlic - there was loads in the Gower but I wasn't at home to cook it. Pesto sounds a good way of using it!

  5. I was just thinking, ah I could come along and meet you at last, but then realized we will be at Builth Antiques Fair on Saturday. Arggggggggggh! I am helping my friend's daughter clear her mum's house so two days of that each week is mopping up my spare time. I hope you have an enjoyable morning there and meet some of the craftspeople from around the area.

    Well done with the first food from your plot.

    1. There will be another time to meet when you are are freed up a bit more :-)

  6. Sorry you are feeling down, I can imagine that dealing with everything from the shop all alone is very overwhelming for you and an awful lot of work. It is good that you have moved on to pastures anew - literally pastures in your case! - but that doesn't mean it is easy does it. Big hugs for a cheerier day today. xx

    1. I am OK cant be smiling all the time :-)

  7. I would love to go foraging and find wild garlic. Could you bring a clump home and plant I wonder?

    1. Officially you are not suppose to but yes it would work :-)

  8. I keep looking out for wild garlic as well, but can't seem to find it so not sure if it grows down here in SW France. I am sorry that you are feeling down, and hope that soon you will feel more yourself, but you have done an awful lot over the last few months so perhaps you are just in need of a bit of rest. Vx

    1. Yes a bit of a rest could just be what I need :-)

  9. Sorry you are having a 'down in the dumps' sort of day, horrible aren't they. Hopefully you will be back to yourself soon xx

    1. I am sure I will its just one of those things :-)

  10. Hi Dawn

    So sorry you are down in the doldrums. I thought would just let you know that I have just purchased the Land Love Magazine May/June edition. There is a section there entitled Gifts from the Garden. There is a recipe there for wild garlic seed heads (salted and then pickled) a Wild Herb salt, a Spicy Garlic mustard (using some of the seeds from the Pickled wild garlic), Rumptopf (Fruity Rum Preserve), Delectable Rose Syrup and some garden chocopops and sugared daisies and mint chocolate leaves. Unfortunately I do not have access to any wild garlic (mores the pity) but I am keeping the recipes as there will come a time when I am able to use them. Just thought I would mention. I love the Land Love and Landscape Magazines they always tend to have some interesting recipes. [hugs]



    1. They sound interesting recipes will have to look for that magazine thanks :-)


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