Friday 3 April 2015

A Day With The Grandchildren

The day started with a baking session
 Chocolate bird nests for Easter were on the menu
 getting to grips with the Rayburn
mixing in the chocolate
working together they made some lovely cakes
when they run out of eggs they decorated cakes with other decorations they found in the cupboard.
then outside for some fresh air with plenty of room for them to play in the field
baby ankle bitter was happy exploring 
while her sisters burned of more energy skipping 
baby ankle bitter sampled there endeavours before going down for a nap.
the girls collected a couple of old tyres from next door and had trouble keeping them under control

they eventually managed to bring them to Grandad
who tied them in the trees
then the girls could master the skill of tyre swings

 by bedtime they were muddy, wet rosy cheeked and tired.
they did also have a quiet session crafting in cabin, decorating kites which today we hope to give a trial run I will post about that tomorrow.
They are having a great time.


  1. It is wonderful to see children enjoying such simple pleasures. Have a lovely Easter xx

  2. What great fun they are having, and your place is ideal for grandchildren. Glad to read you are having so much fun. Thanks for the kind comments you left me, pleased to hear the stitching 'love' is in your cabin. We stayed in all day yesterday!

  3. So much better than playing with the x-box, playstation, etc.

  4. WHAT a lovely day they had. Just how children should enjoy life to my mind (and part of the reason we moved here to Wales, so we had plenty of room!) I bet they slept well last night.

  5. This is how children should play, for at least some oh their day! (Away from the computers etc). Lovely to see them outdoors!

  6. Great to see children playing outside , enjoy the rest of your family weekend.

  7. Tyre swings mmm, do you think they will hold my weight? It looks as though a great time was had by all concerned. That is how I grew up, running free round our own land but in flat North Norfolk.

  8. Your home must be a wonderful adventure playground full of possibilities for fun!! xx


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