Saturday 18 April 2015

Its nearly Plant Off Time

Today I have been busy in the poly tunnel, last week end my Mantis Tiller was playing up and I was getting frustrated with it as I wanted to use it to do the poly tunnel, Martin took it back to MK with him for our lawnmower man to look at, he brought it back last night it now runs lovely,  so it was set to work today 
it was roughly dug over first and all week I have been piling on Alpaca poo, when I cleaned the paddocks in the the morning it was getting tipped on here, its all nicely tilled together now and Martin brought me some more scaffold boards to edge it, I now want to bring some top soil in till it again then this side is ready for planting
I got the membrane down on the pathway and both edges have been done with scaffold boards, its handy sometimes having a scaffold business, the path with be laid with shale, so far all the shale that on there has come from the side that has been done.

now it just leaves the other side to do get the irrigation in place and then its plant off time.
Had a delivery arrive today unusual for a Saturday
 Lemon Tree
Orange tree
these trees are about 5ft tall and are in fantastic condition, flower buds and young fruit and they cost me £38 for the pair that is a fantastic price for citrus trees of this size, I got them from You Garden its the place I got my original citrus trees from, so that brings my collection to 1 satsuma tree, 1 lime tree, 3 lemon trees and 3 orange trees, and yes they do fruit, they live in an unheated greenhouse all year round, citrus trees are fairy robust and will cope with cold conditions.
With the same delivery my Monkey Puzzle tree arrived and a 3 collections of various Lillie's.
Right time to go as dinner is ready :-)


  1. I've been reading your blog for ages, but have only just realised I wasn't officially a follower! I didn't know citrus trees could live here without heat, I've always wanted a lemon tree. Thanks for that.

  2. Every year I'm tempted by citrus and every year I put it off again! One day I'll buy some! The poly tunnel is looking great, I could do with one my greenhouses are getting pretty full!

  3. You're making great progress. I'm glad that the wretched shale has SOME uses. We are not far above bedrock here, so gardening is difficult in some spots.

    When I saw lemon trees growing in Florence last year I was surprised - I didn't know they coped in cold winters.

  4. Hello there - I discovered your blog through 'Five on Friday' and have loved reading all about your endeavours in Wales. As someone with a tiny garden it's great to see what you've been doing to get some inspiration. All the best, Judy.


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