Wednesday 13 July 2016

Its Playtime

All young animals like to play just like children, sometimes the grown ups like to play to,
Last year our first lamb we raised like to play with the tyre swings

This year the lambs have been given a big ball to play with

It didnt take them long to get the hang of playing football, 
They have only had the ball a couple of days and now I often hear the thump thump of them head butting the ball.

Helen has been back to vet to have her cast changed,
once again she was very well behaved
She is becoming very use to car, when leaving the vet she jump into the car herself when the door was opened, as you can see she settled down to sleep on the journey home, next week we have to go back and the decision will be made if it should be re-cast again, they have said she will probably have a permanent limp but it should affect her quality of life.



  1. Oh that is delightful! Another reason to get little animals imho :) I'm also happy to read Helen is doing better :)

  2. RMan tried giving the alpacas a ball to play with - thought it may entertain them. They weren't interested - lol

  3. Hoping Helen doesn't have too much of a limp. She looks so content, she knows you are caring for her.

  4. Glad that Helen is doing well. The sheep are having fun!!

  5. Awww bless them. How lovely to see them playing.
    Helen looks very comfy in the back of the car. Sweet little thing-x-

  6. I love watching the lambs run around and playing.

  7. Seems to me Dawn that a couple of weeks of those lambs getting used to that ball and they perhaps would have done better than England!

  8. I agree with Weaver of grass they probably can play better football. Helen looks well at home in the car.

  9. What a sweet little girl goat with her cast and car rides. I like your goats playing sports.

  10. See...sit Helen..stay Helen...lie down and go to sleep Helen...perfect little house goat!!! (Only kidding) get it?! x


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