Monday 1 June 2015

Wet And Wild

Its been a very wet and wild day here, started with sunshine then it became overcast and the wind picked up and down came the rain.
The day has been spent indoors apart from a walk to the post box with Sol then back indoors dry off and a couple of hours later back out to feed the animals then back indoors dry off , we both had dinner then back out to shut the poultry in then back in and dry off.
Sol is still drying off even after a rub down with his towel.
The trip to the postbox was to pick up a couple of packages
This book it was recommended by Kev from A English Homestead, a really interesting read great for a rainy day.
The other package contained this
After seeing it advertised I added to my wish list on Amazon it cost £35 a few days later I got an e-mail offering it to me for £25 I took up the offer and it was dispatched for a 1st of June delivery they are not available to buy until the 5th, it is just a case of plug it in and its ready to go, it now means I can watch my free prime videos on the TV instead of the laptop, brilliant little bit of kit.
Its been a really lazy day watching TV, surfing the web and reading.
Today is also our 24th wedding anniversary apart from seeing Martin first thing this morning before he set off for the week I am spending it alone, never mind I have plans for our 25th next year :-) 
How have you spent your wet and windy day ?


  1. Happy 24th wedding anniversary. Sounds like a great way to send your rainy days. I spend mine in my craft room. :)

  2. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Jx

  3. Our wet and windy day is tonight and tomorrow, day in the office at work.

  4. Glad you like the book. I'm amazed by his spacings and ten year crop rotation. He seems to be looking at it much more scientifically which I really like and giving soem facts and figures.

  5. Happy Anniversary. We actually had a dry day today. Not sunny though. More rain forecast in week. Weird weather for this time of year in Missouri. Do you get good Internet where you are. We don't, not through the phone anyway, it is pretty slow so can't watch the Prime stuff anyway which is a pain seeing as we have Prime. We also have internet through satellite which is faster also but it is very costly for the bandwidth so we don't download movies etc on it. So we are pretty snookered when it comes to internet and it costs us a lot!

  6. We got the wind in Essex yesterday (1st June) but no rain. The rain has arrived over night and the parched garden is looking better. It's feeling very cold after the lovely weather we've had. I'm day off so it's housework, cooking, gardening and blogging.

  7. Happy anniversary for yesterday. The wind arrived in Essex yesterday but no rain. That has moved in overnight. The parched garden is looking a little healthier. Today is my first day of two days off and it will be spent doing housework, budgets, cooking and blogging.

  8. We had to be out and about in the morning, to restock the Unit, and now able to stretch out into an extra little bit we are renting which does make a difference to our display, so everything had a good shunt around. Then it was Indoors the rest of the day.

  9. We had a mostly dry day yesterday so got some gardening done and even managed to get a load of washing dry out there. Today is wet and windy though - ironing!! Happy Anniversary! Ours was Saturday (23rd). We might go somewhere very special for our 25th!! Have a good day x

  10. Congrats - you're an example to all those who get married without the long term commitment :)

    Wet, and windy, here too - thank God.

  11. Happy 24th anniversary, it was damp here yesterday too & today isn't looking much better x

  12. Happy Anniversary! It is wet and windy and wild again here today, so if it is like that where you are I think that you should stay in and give your new gadget another workout! xx

  13. Belated Happy anniversary wishes to you.
    Very Very windy here today it's ruining the runner beans and is more like November than June

  14. Happy Anniversary, that's quite an achievement. xx

    Yep, it was equally windy and wet here, a day of dashing in and out just like you. Soaked through to the skin each time, which of course meant it was easier to stick things in the washing machine and have them clean than drape them around the place wet anyway. The dogs hate it when it's that wet and windy, so they simply dashed out and did what they do and then straight back in again, preferring to play in the house than walk round the hillside, suited me just fine.

    I've ordered that book too on kev's recommendation, he should be asking for commission ;-)

  15. I'm always suspicious of anything that says it's 'ready to go' or just 'plug and play' I've never come across anything like that, things have, in my experience, have to be programmed and set up etc., and it blows my mind - !
    I hope you find it easier than me.


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