Monday 15 June 2015

From This to This to This.....

I have over the past couple of weeks when time has allowed been working on the border at the front of my cabin
 Its this border here

Full of weeds 

It is a nice shady damp area
I cleared all the weeds out
 I left the daffodils in that were there

Propped the Rhody back up and pile in a load of Alpaca poo the ground was pretty starved
Then it was time for some planting

Is being filled with Hostas Ferns and large leaved shade loving plants including Acers, I still have more ferns to get in and some Hellebore's I also want to collect some more Hosta's and I need to add some evergreen plants, I am leaving plenty of space between the plants so thy have room to fill out, once I have finished planting I will mulch the whole area with bark chippings.
Its work in progress but getting there.


  1. Thank goodness for alpaca poo :) I swear by it lol

    1. I use it everywhere havent found anywhere not suited to it yet :-)

  2. Ah . . . Hostas. You do know that Welsh slugs seem to find them particularly toothsome don't you?! I lost all mine to the wretched things. You've worked hard there though and the plants will bless you for all that Alpaca poo! I look forward to seeing it when it's all established.

    1. Slugs dont seem to like Alpaca poo, where I have used it in the borders and veg area no slug problems it was the same at our other house, the hostas have been in for over a week now no holes so far :-)

  3. I love Hostas, so many different colour combinations.

  4. You have made a massive difference! It is obviously quite a large area so a lot of work too I imagine! It will be wonderful! xx

  5. We all need Alpaca poo then if it keeps the slugs away, job well done.

  6. Looks good. No boarders here although my mum would love me to put some in!


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