Wednesday 24 June 2015

All About Strawberries

Today I was setting some of the strawberry runners
 the young plantlets were starting to put down roots so it was time to get them set in pots in about a month I will cut them free of the adult plants.
 The adult plants have been growing in containers and are runners from our original strawberry bed that I took before we moved, there is a mix of red pink and white strawberries, in total I have set 18 today, there are still more to come and the plants are still producing fruit, end of summer will see all the strawberry plants planted out in a new bed.
 I used the worm compost mixed with some topsoil to pot the young plants into
 while out on an evening walk with Sol I picked a handful of wild strawberries, a lot smaller and not as sweet as the cultivated ones but still a lovely treat to enjoy while out walking.
 I used some of the potting mix to pot up the piquant peppers that came from Dani at Eco Footprint I have only grown on 4 of the plants as it was late in the season here to get them started, I shall attempt to over winter them and set the rest of the seeds early next year.

When I got back from walking Sol this evening I took a few photos  of the plot from the view off the drive it was 9pm so not brilliant lighting
 The veg garden and alpaca quarters in the distance.
 looking down over the end of the veg plot with poultry accommodation just beyond
Lambert's new home and at the very top is Kara's field which is also were the woodland is I am planting.


  1. I love strawberries.
    I have started one lone wild plant from a group I found last year.
    It has one runner on it, but no berries yet.

    1. keep potting on the runners and before you know it you will have a whole bed of them :-)

  2. My pepper plants are smaller than yours, I don't have much hope for them, but like you there is next year. Loved the photos of your plot, reminds me of our lovely day with you.

    1. I think next year is going to be the year for the peppers :-)

  3. If you're picking wild strawberries, I must go and investigate my favourite plot, though it's early for them. I have a very small picking of strawberries - I just have a few in pots in the polytunnel as outside the slugs and birds beat me to them.

    1. I have found two spots were they grow and I am keeping it a secret :-)

  4. Great post. I should do that with my strawberries and get a new plot started. Great photos too. :)

    1. its a cheap way of replacing plants they charge so much for strawberry plants :-)

  5. I think I'll pot some runners, you can never have too many strawberries. My peppers are about the same size but I live in hope they'll have a growth spurt.

    1. It pays to replace your plants every three years as they get tired I try to bring on new each year :-)

  6. I am going to have to take down my hanging basket of strawberries as it is full of baby runners that I need to peg down and I can't suspend them in mid air, I didn't think of that when I planted it up!!

    Does Lambert live on his own?

    1. Yes Lambert lives a bachelor life at the moment :-)

  7. I don't think that I have ever eaten a wild strawberry, I bet they are really nice even if not as sweet. You will have lots of "normal" strawberries though with all of those great new plants! xx

    1. we have done alright for fruit this year and I am growing a few plants from seed black strawberries although I think they will be more of a purple :-)

  8. I only have a few runners at the moment but the plants have lots of fruit on them. They've grown much better since they've been in a wooden trough high off the ground.

  9. I don't have many runners at the moment as the plants are still full of fruit. They've been much better since I've put them in a wooden trough high off the floor

    1. I want them back in the ground easier to look after one thing less to water and feed :-)

  10. I don't think I'll be getting many strawberries this year but I'm hoping to get a new bed sorted out ready for next year. Those wild strawberries may be small but they don't half pack a punch, they're filled with flavour.


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