Saturday 16 August 2014

Everyone is Happy on the Homestead

Yesterday was a lovely sunny day a proper happy smiley day.
The chooks are happy scratching around the field
The Alpacas are happy guardians watching over everyone
The pigs are happy in there mud hole
The tortoise is happy now at last he has moved into a bigger area, bless him he has had the right grumps since we moved, having had free run of the previous garden he has been kept in a small 6ftx6ft run until I could enclose an area for him, now I have almost finished the immediate back garden and planted up a herb area I tortoise proofed the whole area just for him
now he has all this space, got to order another couple of tons of gravel, to do the other side, the herb garden in the middle is now planted up
The borders still have to be dug over and planted, and those old lean to shed thingies are to come down, but i feel like I am getting some-where now. 
That about summed up my day yesterday, let me leave you with a cheeky Alpaca photo, Odd Job was playing hiding seek with me yesterday,
Tomorrow we have our first visitors coming, my daughter and her children so I am looking forward to seeing them, her husband is only coming for the day unfortunately but she is staying for a few days.


  1. Sounds like you had a really lovely sunny and productive day. Have fun with your family.

    1. Time to get productive again now and the sun is still shining :-)

  2. Looks great! I always wanted a tortoise when I was younger. I did have to price building a tortoise sanctuary a few years ago but I never got the job!

    1. Thats a shame I think you would have done a fantastic job ;-)

  3. Every where is looking good, love the animal photo's. Have fun with your family, enjoy the rest.

    1. Thank you, I love taking photos of the animals :-)

  4. Smashing news, all on track. Have a lovely time with your family.

    Jean x

    1. Family has just gone lovely couple of days now time to get back to normal:-)

  5. What a great mud hole for the pigs. I need to figure out a way to keep our mud holes from drying up. Pigs sure do like their water and mud!

    1. They made the mud hole themselves, I just put water in it daily for them :-)


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