Thursday 21 August 2014

Catch Up on The Week (photo overload)

Its been a strange week, having visitors has thrown my week out, I seem to have lost a few days.
I started today baking 
A granary loaf and a mincemeat slice cake.
Lunch was 
Cucumber sandwich, slice of cake and the last of this years figs.
I picked a couple of cucumbers this morning, considering I was late getting the cucumber going and only ended up with one plant in a container that got moved, bashed, neglected and left outside until the tunnel was up it has done very well I have had 6 cucumbers off it and there is another 3 coming on.
Delivery today of another 2 tons of gravel for the herb garden and 1 ton of a smaller 10mm gravel for the greenhouse and tunnel.
I have got the tunnel done 
It now looks nice and tidy in there 
The tunnel is only 9ft by 6ft but its surprising how much you can get in there, 
this is what is in there at the moment
 A late season Blueberry, the fruit is just starting to ripen, the others are now finished so they have been moved outside, so far I have had 4lb of blueberries.
Guavas there is one large plant and 6 smaller ones waiting to be potted up.
Oca's (New Zealand Yams )this is the first time I have grown them they get harvested in the Autumn
Two troughs of purple mange tout they were just left over seeds
Radishes again just left over seeds
Mix Salad Leaves 
Cucamelons another late starter but I am now harvesting them
This is a mixed container, Black Tomatoes and Purple French Beans 
My neglected cucumber plant
A lonely Pumpkin now brought in so I can feed it up
The squashes have also been brought in to feed up
Sweet Potatoes sharing a container with sweet corn
Chillies almost ready for picking
Bell Peppers another late starter 
There is also 2 hanging baskets of cherry tomatoes hanging from the centre beam but I forgot them 
here is the tomatoes and cucamelons I picked this morning
Sorry for the photo overload, tomorrow I hope to get the greenhouse gravelled, I have just seen on the weather that we may even get a ground frost this week end, I am glad that I have most things under cover now, the seasons are defiantly moving on.
I do feel that the garden side of things is starting to shape up now, still a long way to go.


  1. I hope you love your cucamelons, mine are great, and so many each day to harvest. Nice to see you have so many different plants.

    1. I did a bowl of Salsa with Cucamelons I will be growing them again they produce a vast amount of fruit.

  2. wow I've never seen black tomatoes, they look good

    1. They look great but are not ready yet although not far off :-)

  3. Wow, you have so much growing!!! You will have a great harvest and 4lbs of blueberries is great isn't it!! Good luck with the gravel moving, hubby moved a ton bag yesterday and after a few trips it killed our wheelbarrow, so I am going to buy a new one today - but the old one was 14 years old! xx

    1. Its the most I ever got from the Blueberries only because I moved them under cover from the birds :-)

  4. I am intrigued by the black tomatoes. A couple of years ago we grew what purported to be black, but they were more mauve with slight stripes. I remember when I was young I used to be sent to the town's hardware store which sold seeds by the ounce! What a big bag we got for that weight - compared to about 10 seeds per packet today.

    1. These are black but there is a problem they start off black and I cant tell when they are ripe :-)

  5. I am intrigued that you can grow figs in the UK. Do they taste sweet? I would imagine the lower levels of sunlight compared to eg Turkey would mean they wouldn't taste the same - or is it a question of different varieties?

    1. Figs grow very well in the UK, the main variety is called Brown Turkey its very hardy, the fruit is sweet. There are a couple of other varietys I am awaiting delivery of one they need some protection but still produce fruit here.

    2. Cool, thanks for the info!


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