Tuesday 12 August 2014

Going Nuts

I have been keeping my eye on the hazelnuts the trees are laden with them around here, after a walk around the boundary hedgerows I gathered these ones that were ripening
There are loads more, far too much for the squirrels, I picked a few more field mushrooms as well.
The sloes are coming on and the blackberries are starting to ripen.
We have had heavy showers and sunshine today, in between showers I made a start on the gravel
 2 tons is a lot of gravel to shift but it will get done this week.
Last night I took some photos of the moon
They didn't come out to well, it was so bright, that is one of the things I like here no light pollution.
I am off to eat a nice bowl of creamy rice pudding
It has been slowly cooking in the Rayburn all afternoon, hubby doesn't like rice pudding but I do, its just as well he isn't here.


  1. Damn I forgot to go out and look at the moon, we were too busy watching the neighbours trying to dive a removal truck .......... I know we're cruel x

    1. You will have to tell us more sounds interesting :-)

  2. Love rice pudding!
    Your natural harvest sound wonderful, take care with moving all the gravel.

    1. I am only moving it in small batches, that is why it is taking so long, the spreading is easy its the shoveling thats hard graft

  3. I can only do rice pud if it has lots of jam which really defeats the point of eating it as it tastes like jam rather than rice pud, so I manage without!

    1. I only like it plain my mum used to add currants to it before cooking, that was nice I can do currants

  4. I like my rice pudding REALLY cold.
    Jean x

    1. It has to be hot for me I canot stand cold rice pudding it would make me gag

  5. We are going to have a lot of gravel to move ourselves soon, so I know how much work your efforts are putting you to! It will be worth it when it is done though! xx


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