Monday 11 August 2014

Dissapointing Day

Got my chores done out of the way, took delivery of the gravel that arrived for the back garden, everything was going well, the sun was shining I had my day out planned, I put details into my sat nav and headed out to Cross Hands to visit Isabeau Inspirations, Pam from blog My New Life in Wales had been tempting me with a visit for weeks, I checked out there web site and was looking forward so much to a visit.
I got there OK to find Closed On Monday's on there door, what a disappointment 45 mins of driving for nothing, the worst was I checked there web site and it said open on Mondays.
I headed off to Camarthen to console myself, I did get myself a very nice book in the works for £2.99 
On Amazon it is £12.82 so a good saving, it comes with a CD rom that has 35 digitized designed for embroidery machines, they can also be printed off for hand embroidery, there are some lovely projects in the book. 
Another fresh fig ready today
I love the colour inside.
Its been fairly windy here today, with the occasional strong gust, that has sent corrugated sheets flying, they are not to be messed with when taking flight, with a neighbours help we now have them secure, we came through tail end of Bertha with nothing but heavy showers now we missiles flying about. 
I am up to date with workshop samples for the shop so this week I am going to indulge in a bit of personal crafting, I am looking forward to having my own space again to work and craft, the log cabin has been ordered and should be with us in 4 weeks, hubby started dismantling the inside of the mobile home yesterday so plans are starting to come together. I have also have photos sent to me of the female Alpacas I was interested in, there are 7 to choose from very difficult to pick out 4, I am going to arrange to visit them in the next or so, we then have to get some fencing up before we can bring them home. 
So much to do, as quick as i cross something off the list another half a dozen get added to the bottom. 
Time to sort out some dinner and have a look around blog land.


  1. Fig numbers 6 and 7 eaten here today. Our fig tree is huge and has grown a lot this year with lots of small figs, I think we are supposed to restrict the roots to make it produce more but it's probably too late for that.
    What a pain about the shop being shut after your drive.
    Hope the wind drops soon for you, not too bad here, as usual we got away lightly

    1. Wind has dropped now its sun and showers, i did read about restricting roots buts its not something I have ever done but always got a fairly good harvest.

  2. How disappointing to drive to the shop only to find it closed.

    Sounds like you have been kept busy and are still making good progress. Always good to also have time to do some crafting though.

    1. I like having some me time, it means I can get on with some of my work in progress projects, that glare at me :-)

  3. We took three Fig cuttings last year so we could have some free plants here at our new place and two of them have romped away in their pots and are extremely healthy looking and much bigger than we expected them to be after just under a year of being taken. Looks like my Lovely Hubby will be enjoying homegrown figs again in the next couple of years .... I really don't like them, weird flavour, even stranger texture :-(

    I would email the shop and complain .... if they say they are open on Mondays they should BE open on Mondays!! (Or at the very least put a message up on their website if there is an emergency which forces a closure).

    1. Well done on getting your fig cuttings to take, I did pick up a half price fig tree from the garden center this week, a really good sized one now I can have one in each corner.

  4. I find lists have a life of their own, they multiply when your makes turned x

    1. Never put your lists in a drawer they multiply in the dark it the same with bills, you have to keep them in daylight.

  5. What a shame, as I have never looked at the website I had no idea, or I would have said about the Monday closure. I will tell Hayley she needs to pull her finger out. I am the type who would never bother to return once this happens, life is too short to spend time on fools errands. There is a shop, Crosspatch, near Newcastle Emlyn with a confusing website, at least it was the last time I looked, and I went once and had a good visit, the next time there was just a note up saying Closed. I have never been back, I drive a bit further and go to Calico Kate in Llampeter.

    1. I will try and go again perhaps next week, Crosspatch I think is shop by appointment I dont like that idea they will be expecting you to purchase on your visit while I like to browse and then buy if its something I want no feel obliged to buy. Calico Kate is also closed on Mondays I really want to get over to the quilt exhibition in Llampter as well, that is also closed on Monday.

  6. I agree with Julee about lists. But when you have an active mind that is already onto the next task, there is always something to add to your list(s) isn't there?

    Jean x

    1. I write work ideas in one book, home in another, garden in another then there is my book for me then there are shopping lists, people to phone lists things to do lists I do like looking back on them and crossing off what has been done.

  7. I always carry a small book with me with list and useful information, we carried our gate sizes for ages before we came across a bargain, which we could purchase because we knew they were the correct size.
    I am looking for a couple of old photo frames, so I carry the sizes, one day I will find them.

  8. It is one thing if you check and a place says it is closed, but to say open and then be shut - grrr!! I hope that you can make a decision about the Alpacas! xx


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