Thursday 7 August 2014

Whats Growing On The Homestead

As our move took place in the middle of the growing season we have only managed to grow in containers this year, its been a good learning curve and we haven't done to bad, its better to have some rather than none.
This is what we have harvested so far 
3lb Blueberries 
I picked the Plums yesterday 
Thought I better get them harvested before the weather turns at the week end and they all get blown off.
We have a few apples and pears on the trees 

Almonds are coming on well 
I have picked a few Lemons and couple of Figs there as still a few left to come on
you can just see a few lemons in the background.
Veg wise we have had a few of the containers of potatoes, carrots and onions
I have been picking tomatoes and the cucumbers are coming along
Chillies and Peppers are doing well
Salad leaves have been doing OK and I sowed another batch last week
They are just starting to come on 
Before we moved I managed one picking of the peas that were in the ground so last week I sowed the last few mange tout seeds I had left 
I have 2 containers of them and hopeful to get a small crop
I have also sowed some radish and Swiss chard in containers
Courgettes had done OK and we have some squash coming along
These are vegetable spaghetti squash I think there is 5 coming along. They are a good subsitute for pasta,
We also have some sweetcorn

 and sweet potatoes 
We haven't had massive amounts of anything but lots of small amounts, I am really looking forward to next years growing season.


  1. How fun to see your sweet potatoes after talking about them on my blog. Really, everything looks fantastic, Dawn. Really love the look of those plums!

    1. Not enough plums to do anything with so they are just eaten ad lib, I hope to get a couple of sweet potatoes I am not expecting anything fantastic.

  2. Reading your post I suddenly shouted FIGS, dropped the computer and rushed outside! Our fig tree is by the chicken shed that is now empty, which means I've not been past to look at the figs and had forgotten to look for a week. There were 5 ready, two a bit over ripe but I'll still eat them. Love them and C doesn't so I get the lot!

    1. Hubby dosent like them either so they are all mine :-)

  3. We were given a fig tree a couple of years ago but haven't had any fruit worth picking. It's in a spot that gets sun but not for all of the day. Oh well perhaps we just need to wait a while longer.

    Jean x

    1. We had 2 at the other house, the one that was in a lot of sun produced bigger figs than the one in partial shade just not as many.

  4. I love spaghetti squash but I haven't seen any for years, perhaps I will have to grow my own. You have done really well considering the move x

    1. We have spaghetti squash tossed in pesto and with added smoked salmon.

  5. All looking good! Your squash look great! I'll have to pop up to my friends house who have a huge fig tree but don't like figs now I know they're ripe!

    1. I do like fresh figs, they have such a short season get them while they are there.


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