Wednesday 27 August 2014

Visitors and Gingerbread Men

Today I had a lovely visitor a fellow blogger Pam from New Life In Wales and her little dog Ben, it was a real pleasure to meet them both, Pam is a very knowledgeable lady with a lifetime of experiences a very interesting person to spend time with. 
Ben is a handsome little chappie well mannered very inquisitive well behaved he is welcome anytime.
it was great to meet a fellow crafter who is passionate about sewing, Pam is looking into getting an Innovis machine some-one for me to play with and swap ideas. 
I was playing with my sewing machine this morning, I thought I would get stuck into making lots of small gifts and home decor items, our village holds a sale in the church hall on the 1st Saturday of each month, its only £5 for a table so I hope to give it a try in October. 
I got started making some little gingerbread men
this is three of them, I still have to stuff them and add bows, I have made 10 so far they are about 6 inches tall, they are made from fleece.
These ones are girls I have some boy ones to do.
I have a few ideas for other things to make as well.
I have set my machine up in the small bedroom but unfortunately everything is still in storage boxes I therefore spend a lot of time looking for things.
The log cabin that is to be my work space is due to arrive at the end of next week, it will be a few later before it is assembled and ready to move into. in the meantime I will work upstairs.
Tomorrow I am off back to Milton Keynes for a couple of days to check out how the shop is going and sort out a few things. It will be lovely to see everyone again but I will miss not being here. My little case is packed and I have filled up with fuel using my fuel discount from Mr T.
Speaking of which did you know you can get back any unused voucher from tesco's.
I found out by accident the other day, I went on to there web site and registered my points card, you can then check your points account on the left was a button to show you any unused vouchers I had £27.50 sitting there unused, you can then print them out and use them in store. Some were from last year and some from February this year. So glad I found that out.
Its raining here this evening not just rain but throwing it down, when I went out to shut the ducklings up who are not ready for bed until its dark I was leaning over there pen shutting there door, it was pouring with rain and I was working by torch light, when I stood up I had a terrible fright there was Odd Job looking over my shoulder, his big white fluffy face frightened the life out of me, he snuck up behind me to see what I was doing nosey as usual. I yelled out and frightened him and he ran off across the field into the dark. 
We really must get some fences up to seperate the livestock, the Alpacas are so quiet on there feet you never know they are there, they have spooked hubby a few times.
Time to sign off I will be back at the week end.


  1. Your gingerbread men are very cute! I hope that the sale goes well for you and the journey back to Milton Keynes as well. x x

    1. Journey went OK but i dont enjoy going back I lookfard to coming home again the whole time I am there

  2. Brilliant Gingerbread men (girls).

    I only recently found that out about Mr T's too, it's good to know, better in our pockets than theirs ;-)

    1. If they want to give me money I am not going to argue

  3. Thanks for the heads-up on Mr Ts. Mind I don't use his store often nowadays, so I don't suppose there will be much.. but worth a shot anyway. Love the gingerbread men/women.

    1. I thought I had used all my vouchers must have slipped up

  4. Your little gingerbread folk are the best I've seen, you should do well. You did make me laugh about Odd Job. My husband crept up on me yesterday whilst i was in the garden pulling up weeds and singing to myself. Amazing how loud you can shout when that happens :)

    Jean x

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit, I am looking forward to some guidance once I get my Innovis. I am going to note the sale date on my calendar, it is not too far for me to drive over, I can combine it with a shopping trip or a visit to cardigan. Those gingerbread girls are so cute, they would make a brilliant garland for "that time of the year" I may have a go at some myself, but a bit more basic as I will be hand embroidering the features.

  6. you can triple the vouchers up on thomspson and morgans website if you want gardening things or four times the amount for a nice meal out as well - thats how we use ours as well as discounts on holidays etc.


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