Wednesday 30 July 2014

Water Water Everwhere

Not such much water as water pipes, in order to move on with plans for the back garden I needed to sort out the maze of water pipes, they would pop up from the ground coil round then go back down again, these pipes all feed water to different water troughs in the field, some were no longer in use, I needed them above ground so I could lay the weed membrane, as at some point the water pipes will be gone and we will have a couple of standpipes instead, 
 Down here
 Up there and across
 Down into that hole and out the other side were I dug it all out
It ended up here in the field, I have found were one leads to but no the other, at various times connections were coming apart and I was getting soaked, not bad really as it has been such a hot day.
I now have a water feed going up to the greenhouse and tunnel, I have cut pipes and re-connected dug ditches to find pipes, so tomorrow I hope to make headway into getting something done.
I had to enclose Odd Job this afternoon and with the help of K we managed to purple spray him, he had rubbed his sore open and was being troubled by flies
It doesn't seem to bother him at all
The two boys are happy supervising the chickens making sure they behave.
Here is a cheeky little face peeping over his nest 
Our young swallows in the porch are coming on great I think there is 4 in the nest.
I made this short film yesterday while having a cuppa, its the view across the drive
I must now hit the shower try and get rid of the purple spray that ended up down my arms have dinner and catch up with what everyone else has been up to :-)


  1. Wow, you have had another busy day!!!! Water matters can be a bit of a nightmare if you don't get them right can't they, so it will all be worth it in the end to know that you have properly connected pipes going to the right places and no leaks! xx

    1. There is nothing worse than having to haul gallons of water to were its needed in bad weather so I am trying to think ahead and get the all the structure in place. I would hate to dig up the garden after I have worked on it.

  2. It's a good thing that you knew there were some pipes there before you made a hole in them with something ( speaking from experience !)

    1. some I knew were there thats how I got a soaking :-)

  3. Replies
    1. The minature ponies are cute and there foals are adorable, its grat watching the young ones chase each other around.

  4. I still love the name Odd Job, it makes me smile every time. It's the best time of year to mess about with water because doing it mid Winter would be dire wouldn't it?

    You will have to rest soon you know xx

    1. It seems Odd Job and NickNak were named after characters in James Bond films, the water has to be sorted before winter comes there is so many overland pipes they will just freeze.

  5. Well you can certainly turn your hand to anything! Plumber and vet! xx

    1. dont forget mechanic :-) my CV will look impressive


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