Sunday 27 July 2014

Give A Man A Tractor .........

I have back down in Milton Keynes for the past 4 days, got home last night, it was lovely to catch up with family and friends, Thursday I went to London for the day with friends on a pre arranged trip to an art show, Friday and Saturday were spent catching up on what has been happening in the shop doing orders and such like, it was lovely to get home again last night. 
While I have been gone hubby bought himself a compact tractor
It came with a grass topper and box thingy to carry stuff around and a mole drill what ever that is for, he has spent the past few days cutting the field.
he also bought himself a ride on mower
His new toys, he got them off e-bay.
He has cut all the front lawn so now I can get stuck into doing the lavender border.
Today was pig ark building day
First the floor got put together
Then the ends and beams went in place
Then the roof went on and he used his tractor to tow it into place, he has now put up the electric fencing, we hope to get the pigs next week-end.
I did cook a nice roast leg of Lamb today in the Rayburn
studded with garlic and thyme
served with some of our container grown carrots 
and some of the container grown potatoes.
Apart from catching up with hubby doing washing and house work I haven't done much else today.
We have now got the signage up for the house I will take some pics of it tomorrow. It looks really smart hubby has been making it while he was in Milton Keynes through the week, he has also been making post boxes they will go in place next week end.
The Alpacas had a bit of a fight the other day when I was away, Odd Job has had a chunk taken out of his cheek, I had a good look at it this morning the concern being it get infested with flies, he is now wearing a purple face, I sprayed the injury with purple spray which hopefully will deter flies and is also an antiseptic.
I am going to chase up about getting some lady friends for them, they can then be separated and hopefully we wont have fights like this again, they usually get on great I think its the hot weather that makes them tetchy and they start getting irritable with each other.
Hubby is now packing to go again in the morning back to work we can now get into a routine. 
He doesn't like going back but needs must. I an thankful I only have to return once a month.
Right off to check what you have all been up to while I have been away :-)


  1. Well, we went to Appledore, Kent today. A beautiful, but isolated village - I felt a bit strange there - bit like Brigadoon! Such an odd feeling.

    We ate our packed lunch in the free car park behind the village hall - fields all around and carpark surrounded by blackberry bushes. They must have been a different variety to our local ones which are huge and ripe - these were tiny and still green.

    1. You will have to tell us more about Appledore sounds interesting

  2. Crikey your going great guns. You will have done everything in no time the rate your going.

    1. I dont think the list will ever get smaller, it more take advantage of the weather at the moment.

  3. Wow, your hubby was busy getting all his new bits of kit while you were away! I hope that the pigs settle in well when they arrive and that the alpacas stop arguing! That can't be much fun to return home to. xx

    1. He now has a lit of attachments he needs or is that wants............

  4. I hope you get a go on the tractor :)

    1. He showed me all the controls and left the keys but I think I will wait for a proper lesson

  5. I want a go on the tractor!, hope odd job is better, I was getting itchy missing your post, you are getting on very quickly with everything.

    1. Odd Job seems to be healing fine, perhaps he will learn not to fight with his brother.

  6. I'm jealous of the tractor - that looks like great fun!

    It looks like you've bought the same self-assembly pig ark that we have. We've found it to be really good, draught-proof and very robust.

    1. The ark went together really easy, it came with everything but the pigs and feed.


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