Monday 12 September 2016

All Pitching In

It was a lovely but busy week end with family

 Our youngest family member is not old enough yet to get involved, but was happy to watch
 little fella got stuck in helping to pick beans,

 we did have a large harvest of 42 cucumbers, 3lb of chilies and 7lb of beans along with courgettes, beetroot and some peppers
 filling the log store was a main priority with everyone helping
 and learning how to split the logs
 the little one even chipped in to help get the logs into the store
In the afternoon while the visitors headed to the beach, I did get some beans canned.
I then got started on dinner, deciding to go with a Spanish themed meal, I had several dishes of Tapas planned and the weather played fair so we could eat outside.
Tomatoes in olive oil and basil
Salt and pepper squid
baked chirozo, our own is now ready for eating
Courgettes in garlic butter
deep fried whitebait
chicken in honey and mustard sauce
Tortilla (Spanish omelet)
Flat breads, Olives, pickles and a mint and cucumber riata
I then made up a big pan of paella, that I cooked at the table all washed down with Sangria.
Unfortunately I forgot to take photo's, we even had some Spanish music in the background.
Visitors left yesterday today we are back to normal and tomorrow I have my friend coming for a few days.



  1. My mouth is watering at the thought of that meal!

  2. What a lovely weekend and your Spanish meal sounds wonderful-x-

  3. Holy moly, that was a lot of cooking, you could open a restaurant. How fantastic for your family to enjoy such a fine Spanish spread.

  4. Busy as usual its lovely that your family earns its keep! Many hands make light work.

  5. Wow! I wish you could adopt me into your family- what a treat!

  6. Fab haul there Dawn. The meal Espanol sounds yum!

  7. Now what on earth are you going to do with 42 cucumbers? Hubby has made a super duper log splitter...makes quick work of a hard job. x

    1. Just what I was going to ask. I have a lot of cucumbers too and have made some relish and bread and butter pickle, but still they come!

  8. That tea sounds amazing! So what's happening with all the cucs?
    I'm leaving my beans to dry now I think and I'll use them for stews over the winter.

  9. I love Tapas and your selections sounds wonderful.

    God bless.

  10. Nice to have so many helping hands!!! I bet it's easier to pick beans when you are that small :)

  11. Sounds like we would have been right at home with the Spanish feast, making my mouth water!

  12. I am so jealous of your cucumber harvest (I didn't grow any this year, not even ridge ones). I will have to bring you up a box or 4 of apples at the end of the month because I am going to be overwhelmed with the harvest here.


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