Wednesday 7 September 2016

Garden Bits And Bobs

Its been a lovely couple of days ideal for getting on top of those garden jobs
Firstly I had to go to the garden centre for some membrane
They had them on sale at £11.99 buy one get another half price, 12m per roll, I also had a £10 off when you spend over £30 voucher to use, didn't buy anything else, in fact I didn't even look at anything else.
I want the membrane to cover beds as they are being cleared, cut down on weeds next year, also I m still covering pathways around the veg garden
It will cut down on strimming and give less places for pests to hide, the membrane is getting covered over.
I have take up the last of this years onions 
 All now drying off in the sunshine before being cleaned up and added to the ones in store
 I spent my cup of tea time crushing up egg shells that have been dried out in the bottom oven
 A good few handfulls were sprinkled on the soil were the onions came out, and hoed in, I prefer hoeing to digging just enough to break up the soil, the crushed egg shells add calcium to the soil
 I then planted out some Greyhound cabbage that I raised from seed.
 There are still plenty of cabbage white butterflies around looking for some where to lay to there eggs so I got the young plants covered. A few hoops and fleece
 Now here is a tip if your fleece is not wide enough, just sew two lengths together, I over locked these it only took a couple of minuets, but any machine will do it even those cheap little £12 ones you really don't want any gaps , you could of course hand sew if you don't have access to a machine.
 Once the fleece is over the hoops, (which you can make ) will show you another day, I use the lawn edger tool to push the fleece into the soil all along the edges, you can use a spade, I find this a lot better than pegs, the ends are just gathered up weighed down with bricks.
 Before putting on the fleece, I did sprinkle around the plants with organic slug pellets, I hate using slug pellets and if I have to I opt for the organic ones, they do the job fine.
I have just taken delivery of a package, I cant wait to have to have a play will share it with you tomorrow.
Monday November 1st 1982
up at 7-45am Telephone  man came to put switch for bell to rights, went to Llanybydder Mart bought final sheep £915, 31 in all.
Douglas bought us 2 tickets for the N.F.U. dinner dance on 3rd Nov. Molly had her hair done, left mart about 4pm, have now got 262 in all, Molly and Douglas went home, Lawrence's mother phoned, made more bread.
Mother and Fathers anniversary.




  1. Fab tip for the fleece Dawn-x-

  2. Now you have left us in suspense about what is in your parcel.

  3. I'm planning on using a a lot more.membrane next year and altering all my beds I think to change how I plan my crops.

  4. I think I may get some membrane when I see some. Look forward to the parcel!

  5. Damn your garden is looking good!!!

  6. Great info on the membrane but especially the dried egg shells. I didn't know that one. Thank you.

  7. Telling my husband about the fleece, excellent idea, and the eggshells xx

  8. I never would have thought of sewing fleece together, so obvious when you say it and typical of me not to have thought of it! If only you could have seen me trying to overlap some lengths of it a few years ago! xx


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