Monday 9 March 2015


Thanks to Kev from English Homestead and his post about Willow ,
 I put an order in with World of Willow I have been talking about growing some willow for some time, my order arrived 
I liked the idea of having mixed packs
I got some for hedging/windbreaks and a selection for coppice's/fuel
The information and instructions that came with them are excellent
nicely presented and can be put in a file for future reference, not the usual scruffy bit of paper you get with mail order plants.
When they are cut down I plan to use the cuttings to increase stocks, I also fancy doing a living structure in the shape of a dome, but we will see.
I already have weed membrane it came free with the poly tunnel, I didn't intend using it in the tunnel as I will be planting into the ground but I wasn't going to refuse a freebie, it will be used for planting the willow through.
I have been getting the clumps of bamboo planted out that is also going to be a windbreak and the canes will be used in the garden, I had three different bamboo species, 2 of which stay green through the winter, they have been planted in an area were they wont invade growing areas. 
All this planting is making visual changes to the land, lots of trees, hedges, windbreaks and fencing dividing the land
Thank you Kev for passing on the info excellent company :-)


  1. Your post was about two of my favorite plants, willow and bamboo. I know the willow will be a wonderful and useful addition to your homestead. :)

    1. I have always loved bamboo and its great now having the space to grow big clumps of it

  2. Your patch of land must already be unrecognisable from what it was but in another 12 months it will be a totally different place again with all of this wonderful planting taking place! xx

    1. Its only when I look back on photos i see the changes

  3. Glad your pleased with them! We'll have to swap cuttings next year! I though that they were a really good company as well with great info on each one.

  4. Very jealous of your willow growing, I would love to make baskets from my own willow

    1. Do you not have a little space you could grow some whips

  5. You'll be outside all day today I expect (I will be this morning). I have details of a basket-masking course for June, so think I will ask for that as my birthday present (that's April, so I will just have to wait!) I am sure that the willow will grow exceedingly well with you : )

    1. I shall look forward to seeing the results of your basket making

  6. I had some willows for a windbreak. They took longer than was stated to get established, but when they did, they were lovely to look at and they did the job well. Then I had to leave !

    1. I am not expecting quick returns in a couple of years I am expecting to see some results


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