Sunday 22 March 2015

March Book Winner and Vsitors

Sorry I didn't post yesterday bit of a busy day.
Anyway the winner of my March Book Give Away 
if you would like to email me your postal address Hazel I will get it in the post to you 

Yesterday was a lovely sunshine day again, we have been really spoiled with the weather this week, we had much welcome visitors coming.
First to arrive was Pam A New Life In Wales I have met Pam on a couple of occasions each one a pleasure, after a cuppa we headed down the cabin were I wanted to show Pam a quick easy patchwork block, she mastered it straight away, I am sure it will be used in working through her fabric stash.
Next to arrive was Marlene and her husband Kev from Poppy Patchwork they are in Wales for a few days it was great that we could all meet up and the sun continued to shine.
Marlene is a very accomplished stitcher and brought me a lovely stitching that I had been watching develop on her blog
 Also a gift for Kara
Marlene also brought with her two plants one each for Pam and me Cucamelons, mine is in the greenhouse so will photo it later.
After a cuppa we had a visit to the animals and a bit of tour of the homestead and cabin, Pam and Marlene got to rummage through some of the shop stock I really must get it unpacked and organised, we had a salad lunch sitting outside in the sun.
It was great to see everyone and they are all such lovely people I would happily spend time with again.
Martin did get the last the last of the anchor points in for the poly tunnel so today we can get the frame all bolted together as the sun once again is shining on our welsh mountain top.


  1. You have a beautiful plot on the Welsh mountain, I am truly amazed at the amount of work you both have achieved, you hard work is creating a perfect home for you all. Thank you for your welcome and a lovely lunch, first time sat outside to eat this year. I love your blog, and am green with envy, but after meeting you both, I can see you will achieve you dream and live the life you want. Please keep sharing it with us.

  2. Sounds like a good time was had by all !

  3. I had a wonderful day and have put my lesson to good use. I will post it later, I wanted to try the block out and make myself a memento of the day. The homestead is developing rapidly and both Dawn and Martin have poured sweat, hard graft and oodles of love into their little bit of heaven.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day!!! Congratulations to Hazel on the book! xx

  5. The weather has been very kind hasn't it? Sitting OUTSIDE to eat in March is going some round here.

    I have been searching for your email link to get in touch, but appear to be too dozy to find it!

  6. Good Morning Dawn, very happy to be the winner of your book giveaway, thank you very much. Hubby and myself will find it very interesting reading. Unfortunately our offer for the smallholding was not accepted so we are back to looking for somewhere again. Not sure if its me being silly but can't see your email address to contact you. Once again many thanks for the book, Hazel xx


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