Tuesday 31 March 2015

Eggs And More

Last night I had a go at candling the duck eggs in the incubator, 
they have been in there 16 days now
I have tried to get some photos to show you.

You can see the veining in the eggs, four out of the six are defiantly viable number 5 I am not sure so will check it again at the week end number 6 is defunct so has been removed.
They take 28 days in total to reach hatching, so 12 days to go.

This is the Amaryllis that my daughter got me at Christmas

Its a stunning red colour and so far it hasn't needed staking.

Today the postie brought me lots of goodies
firstly the latest Home Farmer magazine

There is an article on smoking and curing also a good article on growing in Straw Bales I fancy giving that a go.
The garden club I belong to sent me some flower seeds
and some veg seeds
and Mikes seed club sent me these, the Crook Neck squash sounds interesting and it might be the one I choose to grow in straw bales.
A big box arrived from Marlene over at Simple Living she organised the Easter gift swap, I haven't opened it yet will save it until tonight. 
I went into town this morning had some things to post off and the post van didn't turn up yesterday, while I was there I renewed my driving licence, doing the photo thingy in there little curtain area, £21.50 it cost to renew my licence and that is only for 10 years, I reckon I will only have to renew it once more then it will be the big 70 year old fit to drive thingy. 
Right its time for dinner need to raid the fridge.


  1. I love the Amaryliss, I always get my mum one for christmas, glad your parcel arrived safely, hope you like it x

  2. Sorry about tempting you with the trees!!! We will now of course all be waiting with baited breath for them to grow big enough to see if you can get any sap from them!! Knowing your talents for growing things I will not at all surprised if you get a wonderful crop of syrup in a few years time. xx p.s feel free to blame me! xx

  3. Your amaryliss is beautiful colour, and ready for the long weekend. Can't wait to see your chicks.

  4. I love the look of the crook neck squash, I have never seen them before.


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