Sunday 1 March 2015

Making Butter

I have often made butter when I have seem double cream reduced in price, I have always done with the shaking method pouring the cream into a container and shaking it until the butter forms, it can be long tiring process, the other week I ordered this 
A small manual butter churn, I bought it through Amazon £59 very easy to use
Pour in the cream and turn the handle for about 10 mins, first it becomes whipped cream you continue turning then the solids separate
pour off the buttermilk wash the solids in a sieve under cold running water to get rid of any remaining buttermilk and what you are left with is butter.
I used the buttermilk to make up some scones 
Bread Butter and Scones.
I do add a bit f salt to butter I make it helps it to keep longer, I am suitable impressed with the churn, its less tiring to use and easy to clean.
I am still thinking about some goats but so far it is just a thought, it would be nice to have our own goat for milk and butter. In the meantime I will have to continue buying in cream.


  1. Goats aren't very good for cream or butter - we've tried!
    Doesn't cream cost more than butter anyway?

    1. With goats milk the fat content is lower than cows milk, also the cream if there is any does not separate naturally. You have to get a machine that will do that for you.

  2. Oh no please don't tempt me with another gadget :0 I like the idea of making my own butter with added herbs etc, and the buttermilk would be great in scones.

  3. I often wonder about goats but the tie of milking them each day puts me off. I like the churn, good off grid thing to have.

  4. What a great gadget, I would love one of those, I very often do the jam jar thing when I see the cream reduced, I just like making anything.

  5. Get the goats and make goats milk fudge, it's the best tasting fudge you can get.

  6. I often buy cream when it is reduced to clear and make butter with it. I make it in my mix master, all done in 10 minutes!. Just have to remember to drape a tea towel around the bowl to catch the splashes!!

  7. I use my Kenwood to make butter (or rather did until it died on me). Your new gadget is very similar to the old Blow glass butter makers which still tempt me every time I see one in auction! I think yours is probably more hygienic as the Blow ones have wooden paddles.

    Did you get to Ffairfach yesterday? I went early, just to have a quick wander round the car boot sale. It was a wellies sort of day . . .

  8. Amazing! I love the idea of making butter, but we never seem to have any cream left if we have cream!! xx

  9. My food processor makes butter from our cream, but it has to be at room temperature otherwise the milk won't separate. Nice to make your own butter though.......

  10. I was wondering if you could use a mixer with the right blade attachment to make butter , As butter is so expensive it would be a great saving doing it like you are doing getting cream reduced initially xxx

    1. You can use a blender/mixer with a regular blade to make butter from cream.

  11. I have a vintage glass churn with wooden paddles and will always by reduced cream to make butter, especially organic cream. No it is not cheaper to make your own butter unless you have a cow, goat or ewe, but it is not always about money is it? It is about the satisfaction of "doing it for yourself".

    1. Forgot to say that the buttermilk is very good in the making of soda bread.


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