Wednesday 14 January 2015

Weather Predictions and Hanging and Hiding

Thank you for all your comments yesterday, they are much appreciated, 
It was bright crisp snowy morn, the day started off with blue sky although cold, I remembered my gloves this time when out feeding the animals, we had some more snow overnight and Kara had a good romp through it all this morning.
I popped round to C senior for a morning to see if she needed a hand with anything and had a cuppa, now C senior is full of lots of interesting facts and this morning she was telling me about keeping a record of the weather for the first 12 days of January and this will predict the weather for the forthcoming year.
I have looked this up on the web and there is quite a lot of info it, each day will represent the month of the year, for example Jan 4th is April, if it was unseasonable warm then April will be a unseasonably warm month and so on, I will have to rely on C senior to tell me what the predictions say as I didn't keep a record but she has.
I do find folklore very interesting. If I remember I am going to do this next year.
I got dinner cooking early so it was done out of the way
All I had to do was heat it up
As the oven is still hot I have just put some rice pudding in
A bit of warming comfort food ready for tomorrow.
I did get some pictures hung up 
We have a lot of odd pictures and I have decided to hang them in the stairwell, these 3 have been sitting about for a couple of months, there are more I just need to find the boxes they are in.
I went down the cabin for a few hours and got a couple of cards made, then later this afternoon I played with Kara, i have taught her play hide and seek, I take her into a room and tell her to sit and wait then I hide one of her biscuits in another room and then tell her to go find, she runs around with her nose doing overtime and her tail going ten to the dozen, it doesn't take her long to find it, no matter were I put them, she then waits for me to hide another one.
The weather has now changed we are in for a windy night and heavy rain, so I am off to re-fill the log baskets before it gets too bad.


  1. It sounds as though you and Kara are having a lot of fun together!! I hope that the weather isn't predicted by the first 12 days of the year, because it if is it is going to be a very grey and wet year here! It interesting to see if these things work though isn't it! xx

  2. I love the thought of Kara enjoying her little hide and seek with you.


  3. That's an interesting way to predict the years weather. It wasn't too bad here in the first week so fingers crossed. x

  4. It will be interesting to see if those weather predictions come true.

  5. Rice pudding is a firm family favourite. My dad used to tell me how he would get back home late after 'courting' my mum and there would be rice pudding in the bottom of his mums range waiting for him.

  6. I've never thought to play 'hide and seek' with my dogs, I'll give it a go and see which of them is the best at it, although my money is on Rosy the eldest of the Jack Russells, nothing gets past her nose!!


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