Friday 2 January 2015

A Trip To The Vet and Getting a Refund

Today we had to take Kara to the vet she was due her booster 
She was very well behaved, the vet gave her a good check up, her ears were a bit inflamed so she has some drops to use for a week, there was another concern the vet said she has a heart mummer, just something to keep an eye on, considering her age she isn't in too bad a shape, he mobility has improved now she isn't pounding pavements and she has been having cod liver oil and gloucosmine every day, so the vet didn't think she needed to have any of the arthritis medication but we will keep an eye on it. 
It cost £61 for the consultation her booster and ear drops.
 I don't know how that compares to other vets fees.

While we were out we popped round to B&Q to return some paint, he went to get paint for the new field shelters the other week they didn't have the paint we usually get an offered to mix some up, it cost £72 for two tins, the day after the shelters were painted it washed off in the rain.
At first they argued they don't refund on paint but hubby stuck to his guns and took photos to show them in the end the manager agreed to a refund.
We picked up more feed for the Alpacas on the way home, I also got myself an expanding clothes airier that I had put in the back bedroom so on damp days I can hang the washing up to dry. I hate it being hung over the banister and on radiators and really don't want to get a tumble dryer.
When we got home the postie had been and brought me two new books I ordered off Amazon 
 I have most of the River Cottage books so these add to the collection.
Also the latest addition of Home Farmer arrived
I will be settling down in front of the fire with these this evening.
We got Lambert moved into the little paddock today with the help of our neighbour C junior, she showed me a nifty way to make a harness from a bit of rope, Lambert was really very calm and didn't mind being handled we also gave his little feet a bit of a trim and tidy. 
That about sums up today for us, how was your day ?


  1. That is so terrible about the paint, but I am glad that you got it sorted, I have never seen or heard of anything like that before. The book on booze sounds very interesting, I hope that you will share your thoughts on it when you have had a chance to peruse and do some making! And tasting of course!! xx

    1. There is some interesting recipes there for infusions, hubby is the one who is into home brew in this house. ;-)

  2. Good for your husband for standing up for that refund! Sometimes you just have to do that. Whatever happened to the days when the customer was always right?

    I hope Kara's heart murmur isn't a big problem. It's always a concern when our animals have problems, isn't it?

    1. We have been very lucky with animal health so far, we knew taking on an older dog may well come with health problems and we offered to give her a good home to see out her retirment so we will see to it she has what she needs. :-)

  3. We had the same with Ronseal fence paint. I spent a whole week painting all the fencing (corner house all the fencing is ours) the shed, cat pens............. I was fuming but B&Q said I had to deal with Ronseal direct and wouldn't refund as there was gallons coming back.

    It took three months for Ronseal to refund and as a gesture of goodwill they said they would send 9 replacement tubs of paint. When it came it was 9 tubs of water!!! what a load of tosh, never again. I've since seen loads of it on carboots in bulk so they knew damn well there was a problem with their product.

    I feel your pain my lovely xx

    1. I think the orignal make we usually use is Santex or something like that but they didnt have any, hubby will pick some up so we can get the job done properly :-)

  4. Happy New Year to you. I loved reading how you came to be in Wales (being a recent follower, I hadn't read back far enough!) The new smoking cabinet looks good and has earned its keep already.

    If you have beams in your kitchen, consider one of the old-fashioned hanging airers (I think they market them as a Betty Maid) but they also turn up in antique shops and Fleamarkets. We have two in our kitchen and wouldn't be without them.

    1. We dont have beams in the kitchen, i had thought about having an airer like that on the landing but hubby isnt keen on the idea.

  5. New books for 2015, Booze and Smoking. I can see how your year is going to be, ha ha.

    Jean x

  6. Looking forward to seeing your future booze making endeavours!

    1. I dont drink very often so I will have to get feed back from hubby :-)


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