Tuesday 6 January 2015

Just When It Gets Dark

Its been a glorious day here, sunshine no wind or rain, the day started cold and damp and ended like a spring day, I was even outside this afternoon without a jacket. It is a bit of a worry this fine weather very unseasonable, although I do believe we are in for a change over the next few days.
Just as the sun was going down I had a delivery
My garden poly tunnel has arrived, yippee.
I ordered it from First Tunnels with the offer they had on I got a free automatic irrigation system, free ground cover, free tunnel care kit and free crop bars. 
Now i can grow all year round well i can when its put up.
Today I had a bit of a blast from the past, the last couple of days I have fancied some French Fried Toast, otherwise know as Eggy Bread or Gypsy Toast.
 It was really yummy, we used to have it sprinkled with sugar when we were kids.
I headed into town today to do a monthly shop 
£48.04 with a saving of £7.50 plus £1.30 off a future shop, I bought in the milk and butter for the month, picked up some crisps for hubby that were on offer and cod liver oil for Kara that was also on offer, I needed some flour and yeast and some fresh fruit I did pick up some Heinz tomato soup they had it on offer its one of the few tinned soups I like.
I popped into Charlies and picked up a new pair of slippers for myself 
They were half price in the sale, now either they are making shoes smaller or my feet have got bigger I had to get a 6 1/2 normally I buy a 6 I used to many years ago wear a 5.
I did also pop into Argos to get a CD / DVD storage unit for the cabin, I was after a tall slim one, I put it together and filled it and now need to get another one, think I will have to get hubby to pick one up for me.
Time to settle in front of the fire now with a cuppa, I find shopping hard work :-)


  1. I know you must be very excited about your shipment...bravo. I deplore shopping most days, it really is hard work. :)

  2. I grew up in New Orleans and French Toast used to be called
    Pain Perdu --lost bread.

  3. A very productive day indeed! It has been years - nay, decades! - since I had eggy bread, you are making me want some now! A good thing that I already ate dinner! xx

  4. How exciting a new polytunnel and comfy slippers x

  5. I love eggy bread, lots of salt and black pepper or swimming in maple syrup, both off the menu for a while. You will be in heaven when the tunnel goes up and the slippers look snuggly.

  6. Funny you should say that about shoe sizes. I used to take a five all my young adult life and now take a six. Although the last two purchases of footwear have been a 5 1/2. Not sure what's going on with shoe sizes.


  7. How exciting for you a poly tunnel! We have a Charlies close to us, I find it a great place to shop.

  8. Jealous of your poly tunnel already! As for shoe size I got brought some slippers for Christmas. I've been a soze eleven for as long as I can remember but these were far too tight do I need my first pair of twelves!


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