Saturday 17 January 2015

Repairs After The Wind

Firstly thanks for all comments yesterday regarding my Curry's PC World experience, I have done a bit of research on web about this issue before I send them a strong worded e-mail of complaint and came across this from Which report on Curry's
Today was bright and sunny with a hard frost, this meant I could get the repairs done after the wind the other night.
First up was the shed, one of the flimsy perspex windows that came with the shed was shattered, 
I was unable to get any perspex when I went into town yesterday, I took the measurements and decided to put a sheet of wood in it as a temporary measure.
I used this power saw of hubby's that I came across in the barn
It was fairly easy to use once I found out how to work the safety switch.
Next up was the greenhouse
Three panes of glass had blown out but only one had broken
I found some polycarbonate in the barn and cut it down to fit
I also used silicon to give some extra hold and put the insulation all back in place, 
everything was fine in the greenhouse nothing has suffered from the cold as the insulation had fallen onto the plants giving them some protection.
While I was outside I decided to close in the post and rail fencing running along the bee hives, Kara tends to wander through there and then goes into the Alpaca field
Its a plastic netting, and not really visible from a distance
 When I was in town yesterday I popped into Charlies and bought this
Its a Kilner jar that holds 5lt and as a lovely tap on it, they were on special offer for £11.99.
don't know what will go in it yet suggestions on a postcard :-)


  1. The wind certainly caused a lot of damage, I love the way you just get on with it, you have shown us girls are capable of doing things without the help of a man.
    I do like the jar, never seen one of those before, a nice fruity liquor would be great to have on tap.

    1. It would be easier if i knew how to use the tools properly and what half of them were :-)

  2. Love the jar. Not seen one like that before. We were lucky here no real damage to anything, lots of garden mulches blown off but that's it.

    1. It as been just a lttle damage if it was major I might just have sat down and cried :-)

  3. Hello

    You have had it a little rough to say the least. Am very impressed with your repairs. By the way you have a heck of a bargain with the Kilner Jar drinks dispenser. Lakeland are selling them for £29.99 and Wilkinsons £20.00. Well done. Ideal to pop on the table insider or out at parties and Barbecues. Would also be ideal for making your own vinegar in. Hope the weather settles down more for you.



    1. I am now thinking of getting a few more as I am thinking of uses for them :-)

    2. Jars are seriously addictive of any nature - I am frequently in bother with OH. I do a lot of preserving of different things and the more you do the more you accumulate. Once that happens you then need a really big walk in Pantry to put everything in. I only have a small dry pantry at the moment so have to store the preserves elsewhere in the house. With bargains at that price it pays to invest. Kilner also have their own website with ideas for different preserves and also different usage of their jars and bottles.



  4. You make a great handyman, we have been lucky so far and everything is still standing. Love your jar, I would fill it with red wine and place it close to my chair.

    1. Being a handyman is a case of having too, I am just learning as I go along, tese things always happen when hubby isnt about :-)

  5. Wow you've done well.
    Love that jar. Where is the shop you got it from ?
    I'm in Shropshire and quite often go over the border into Wales.

    1. The shop is called Charlies and is in Carmarthen, they do have a few other stores about, could be worth googling it to see were your nearest is

  6. I was in Charlies last week, and had to take myself by the scruff of the neck and walk myself firmly away!!!

    Well done with the repairs. I tend to lean on my OH as he's here all the time, but I am very practical really and more than capable of most jobs I "let" him do . . .

    I hope this cold weather goes away for a bit, as our central heating boiler has now bust for good and isn't due to be replaced for a fortnight . . .

  7. Your poor shed and greenhouse! I am glad that you managed to get them fixed up and safe and sound again. I was thinking how great that gin would be in your new drinks dispenser - no need to take the cranberries out before using it! Otherwise I always think that fresh lemonade in the summer would be lovely. I would love one of these jars/dispensers, but don't have space, so I am very envious! xx

  8. Elderflower cordial it's a must x


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