Wednesday 15 October 2014

Out In The Rain

Today has been wet, we have more to come and more high winds, it could be a rough couple of days, I think I will be spending them indoors.
Today Kara and me were out walking in the rain, we came across these little jewels
I didn't have my camera on me, so we turned around walked home fetched the camera and went back out into the rain to capture them
Orange Peel fungi, they are such a vivid colour you cant miss them, they are edible when cooked, but it seems they are pretty tasteless. They put in an appearance end of summer start of autumn usually on disturbed ground along the edge of paths in woodlands.
I got my Autumn sampler all finished and its now up on the wall
We have visitors coming this week end so I must get some baking done over the next few days and sort out some meals, I haven't done any food shopping this month I am slowly using up some of the food that's in the cupboards and freezer not that anyone would notice. 
Part 2 of the apprentice is on tonight already there is a few of them who have shown they have no people skills, they are like little kids, were do they find these people.
Anyone else watching the Apprentice ?

1 comment:

  1. The sampler is very jolly.I hope Autumn turns out the same.



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