Tuesday 14 October 2014

3 Month Catch Up

A three month update 
We still havent had our water supply connected, they came out last friday and could find the mains to connect the pipes to, they should be back out again tomorrow.
The rendering is now complete all ready for painting.
The gravel is all laid in the back garden.
The cabin is complete I am all moved in and it is fully functioning.
We have made a start with the raised beds.
The first of the vegetables are now planted.
Trees are getting into the ground.
We have a sheep.
We have a dog.
We have ducks
I now have a quad bike.
A start has been made on closing in the barn.
The logs are now under cover and protected from the elements
The fencers hopefully will be making a start next week.

Looking over the list I realise how much we have achieved there is still a lot to do but we are making headway, that's the important thing, also we are starting to have a bit of time for ourselves.

I picked up the latest copy of Home Farmer 
Two interesting articles Building a sustainable pond, I want to make a pond in the field where there is a natural dip, the other article that caught my eye was Pruning Made Easy, we have lots of older trees and bushes that I want to keep and pruning is not something I have done a lot of before.

Its been an overcast drizzly day I have been down the cabin finishing off my Autumn Sampler, didn't realise how late it had got, where does the time go, so it was a late simple supper of Steak and Onions
Now I settling down to watch the Apprentice, I like a good laugh.


  1. You have achieved a huge amount in 3 months. I read the article about the pond as well, but if ever had the chance to make one I don't think we would be digging it out by hand!

  2. Your achievement list is huge, I am glad to read you are now finding time for yourselves, remember that's why you moved.

  3. You have done masses in only three months!! It is amazing what you have achieved. Just think if you have done all that in three months, where you will be in another three! Congratulations on all that you have achieved. xx


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